The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Fall 2014 as of Census date: September 05, 2014
Campus: Central New Mexico -- College: UC-University College

  Three Year Fall Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
ISM 100 L 001 Alg Problem Solving *Mroz, Robert MITCH 219 M W 800A - 850A MITCH 219 T R 800A - 915A 3 24 72 24.00 25.00 72.00
ISM 100 L 002 Alg Problem Solving *Hulett, Kathryn SSCO 1111 M W 800A - 850A SSCO 1111 T R 800A - 915A 3 20 60 23.00 25.00 69.00
ISM 100 L 003 Alg Problem Solving *Nguyen, Huy MITCH 206 M W 800A - 850A MITCH 206 T R 800A - 915A 3 21 63 23.33 25.00 70.00
ISM 100 L 004 Alg Problem Solving *Clifton, Cash DSH 333 M W 800A - 850A DSH 333 T R 800A - 915A 3 23 69 24.00 25.00 72.00
ISM 100 L 005 Alg Problem Solving *Mroz, Robert MITCH 217 M W 900A - 950A MITCH 217 T R 930A - 1045A 3 24 72 24.33 25.00 73.00
ISM 100 L 006 Alg Problem Solving *Boydstun, John MITCH 107 M W 900A - 950A MITCH 107 T R 930A - 1045A 3 24 72 24.00 25.00 72.00
ISM 100 L 007 Alg Problem Solving *Hulett, Kathryn MITCH 206 T R 930A - 1045A MITCH 206 M W 1000A - 1050A 3 25 75 24.33 25.00 73.00
ISM 100 L 008 Alg Problem Solving *Namdar-Yeganeh, Ram DSH 231 T R 930A - 1045A DSH 231 M W 1000A - 1050A 3 25 75 24.67 25.00 74.00
ISM 100 L 009 Alg Problem Solving *Mroz, Robert MITCH 117 M W 1100A - 1150A MITCH 117 T R 1100A - 1215A 3 24 72 24.33 25.00 73.00
ISM 100 L 010 Alg Problem Solving *Boydstun, John DSH 231 M W 1100A - 1150A DSH 231 T R 1100A - 1215A 3 26 78 25.33 25.00 76.00
ISM 100 L 011 Alg Problem Solving *Hulett, Kathryn MITCH 217 M W 1100A - 1150A MITCH 217 T R 1100A - 1215A 3 23 69 24.33 25.00 73.00
ISM 100 L 012 Alg Problem Solving *Dassanayake, Ranil MITCH 208 M W 1100A - 1150A MITCH 208 T R 1100A - 1215A 3 25 75 24.67 25.00 74.00
ISM 100 L 013 Alg Problem Solving *Chiasson, Anne DSH 232 M W 1200A - 1250A DSH 232 T R 1230A - 145P 3 24 72 24.33 25.00 73.00
ISM 100 L 014 Alg Problem Solving *Mroz, Robert MITCH 206 M W 1200A - 1250A MITCH 206 T R 1230A - 145P 3 24 72 24.67 25.00 74.00
ISM 100 L 015 Alg Problem Solving *Valdes, David MITCH 217 T R 1230A - 145P MITCH 217 M W 100P - 150P 3 24 72 23.67 25.00 71.00
ISM 100 L 016 Alg Problem Solving *Nguyen, Huy DSH 234 T R 1230A - 145P DSH 234 M W 100P - 150P 3 24 72 23.67 25.00 71.00
ISM 100 L 017 Alg Problem Solving *Mroz, Robert MITCH 208 M W 200P - 250P MITCH 208 T R 200P - 315P 3 24 72 24.33 25.00 73.00
ISM 100 L 018 Alg Problem Solving *Chiasson, Anne MITCH 217 M W 200P - 250P MITCH 217 T R 200P - 315P 3 24 72 23.33 25.00 70.00
ISM 100 L 019 Alg Problem Solving *Valdes, David MITCH 219 M W 200P - 250P MITCH 219 T R 200P - 315P 3 24 72 24.33 25.00 73.00
ISM 100 L 020 Alg Problem Solving *Nguyen, Huy MITCH 206 M W 200P - 250P MITCH 206 T R 200P - 315P 3 23 69 23.33 25.00 70.00
ISM 100 L 021 Alg Problem Solving *Valdes, David MITCH 219 M W 300P - 350P MITCH 219 T R 330P - 445P 3 25 75 24.67 25.00 74.00
ISM 100 L 022 Alg Problem Solving *Winkler, Paul ORTG 243 M W 300P - 350P ORTG 243 T R 330P - 445P 3 22 66 22.67 25.00 68.00
ISM 100 L 023 Alg Problem Solving *Dassanayake, Ranil DSH 232 T R 330P - 445P DSH 232 M W 400P - 450P 3 12 36 19.33 25.00 58.00
ISM 100 L 024 Alg Problem Solving *Nguyen, Huy DSH 332 T R 330P - 445P DSH 332 M W 400P - 450P 3 15 45 21.00 25.00 63.00
ISM 100 L 025 Alg Problem Solving *Namdar-Yeganeh, Ram MITCH 208 M W 800A - 850A MITCH 208 T R 800A - 915A 3 22 66 23.67 25.00 71.00
ISM 100 L 027 Alg Problem Solving *Clifton, Cash DSH 334 M W 900A - 950A DSH 334 T R 930A - 1045A 3 25 75 25.00 25.00 75.00
ISM 100 L 031 Alg Problem Solving *Boydstun, John DSH 331 M W 1200A - 1250A DSH 331 T R 1230A - 145P 3 20 60 23.00 25.00 69.00
ISM 100 L 034 Alg Problem Solving *Winkler, Paul DSH 126 T R 930A - 1045A DSH 126 M W 1000A - 1050A 3 20 60 23.67 25.00 71.00
ISM 100 L 039 Alg Problem Solving *Gunthorpe, Sydney ARR . 3 20 60 17.67 25.00 53.00
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