The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Fall 2014 as of Census date: September 05, 2014
Campus: Gallup Campus -- College: AS-College of Arts and Sciences

  Three Year Fall Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
PSY 105 L 400 General Psychology *Buggie, Stephen GGH 1124 M W 800A - 915A 3 53 159 53.33 52.00 160.00
PSY 105 L 401 General Psychology *Herron, Elizabeth GGH 2215 M 200P - 445P 3 43 129 45.00 40.00 135.00
PSY 105 L 402 General Psychology *Buggie, Stephen GSSTC 182 T 640P - 920P 3 49 147 54.33 56.67 163.00
PSY 105 L 440 General Psychology *Herron, Elizabeth GZUNI R 130P - 400P 3 24 72 28.33 30.00 85.00
PSY 200 L 400 Statistical Principles *Buggie, Stephen GGH 204 M W 330P - 445P 3 21 63 7.00 10.00 21.00
PSY 211 L 400 Applied Psychology *Casebolt, Ralph GSSTC 127 R 330P - 615P 3 23 69 28.00 28.33 84.00
PSY 211 L 440 Applied Psychology *Herron, Elizabeth GZUNI 100 M 1000A - 1230A 3 6 18 8.67 20.00 26.00
PSY 220 L 400 Developmental Psychology *Casebolt, Ralph GGH 2215 T 615P - 920P 3 43 129 39.00 40.00 117.00
PSY 220 L 401 Developmental Psychology *Buggie, Stephen GGH 1124 T R 930A - 1045A 3 31 93 25.00 40.67 75.00
PSY 220 L 440 Developmental Psychology *Herron, Elizabeth GZUNI 100 W 130P - 400P 3 21 63 16.33 30.00 49.00
PSY 231 L 400 Psychology of Human Sexuality *Casebolt, Ralph GSSTC 127 R 640P - 920P 3 19 57 20.67 26.67 62.00
  XL: GA-WMST231                
  Offered with WMST 231 400.                
PSY 240 L 400 Brain & Behavior *Buggie, Stephen GGH 206 M W 1100A - 1215A 3 22 66 7.33 11.67 22.00
          355 1,065 333.00 386.00 999.00