The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Fall 2014 as of Census date: September 05, 2014
Campus: Valencia Campus -- College: AS-College of Arts and Sciences

  Three Year Fall Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
BIOL 110 L 501 Biology Non-Majors *Roselli, Irene VAHS 101 T R 1030A - 1145A 3 47 141 44.00 48.00 132.00
BIOL 110 L 502 Biology Non-Majors *Chavez, Miriam ARR . 3 28 84 9.33 10.00 28.00
BIOL 112L L 501 Biology Lab Non-Majors *Roselli, Irene VAAS 135 T 1200A - 245P 1 16 16 18.33 24.00 18.33
BIOL 112L L 502 Biology Lab Non-Majors *Chavez, Miriam ARR . 1 21 21 7.00 8.00 7.00
BIOL 123 L 501 Bio for Health Related Sci *Sanchez Dinwiddie, VAAS 133 M W 900A - 1015A 3 38 114 38.33 40.00 115.00
BIOL 123 L 502 Bio for Health Related Sci *Barreto, Claudia VAAS 133 M W 300P - 415P 3 32 96 37.67 43.00 113.00
BIOL 123 L 503 Bio for Health Related Sci *Baeza, Maribel VAAS 131 T R 130P - 245P 3 36 108 38.67 40.00 116.00
BIOL 124L L 501 Bio-Health Sci Lab *Roselli, Irene VAAS 135 T 300P - 545P 1 19 19 18.00 24.00 18.00
BIOL 124L L 502 Bio-Health Sci Lab *Trueba, Christina VAAS 135 M 430P - 715P 1 20 20 22.33 24.00 22.33
BIOL 124L L 503 Bio-Health Sci Lab *Baeza, Maribel VAAS 135 W 1030A - 115P 1 22 22 22.33 24.00 22.33
BIOL 124L L 504 Bio-Health Sci Lab *Trueba, Christina VAAS 135 W 430P - 715P 1 15 15 13.33 24.00 13.33
BIOL 124L L 505 Bio-Health Sci Lab *Baeza, Maribel VAAS 135 R 300P - 545P 1 22 22 21.33 24.00 21.33
BIOL 201L L 501 Molecular & Cell Biology *Barreto, Claudia VAAS 133 T R 900A - 1015A VAAS 135 T 1030A - 1145A 4 12 48 14.67 24.00 33.33
BIOL 237 L 501 Hum Anat & Physio I Hlth Sci *Barreto, Claudia VAHS 101 M W 1200A - 115P 3 21 63 29.33 36.00 88.00
BIOL 237 L 502 Hum Anat & Physio I Hlth Sci *Barreto, Claudia VAHS 101 T R 130P - 245P 3 35 105 32.00 36.33 96.00
BIOL 239 L 501 Micro Hlth Sci & Non-Majors *Chavez, Miriam; Sanchez Dinwiddie, M VAHS 101 M W 900A - 1015A VAHS 110 W 1030A - 115P 4 15 60 17.67 24.00 70.67
BIOL 247L L 501 Anatomy & Physiology Lab I *Sanchez Dinwiddie, VAHS 113 M 130P - 415P 1 15 15 19.00 24.00 19.00
BIOL 247L L 502 Anatomy & Physiology Lab I *Sanchez Dinwiddie, VAHS 113 T 1030A - 115P 1 16 16 19.33 24.00 19.33
BIOL 247L L 503 Anatomy & Physiology Lab I *Sanchez Dinwiddie, VAHS 113 R 1030A - 115P 1 13 13 15.33 24.00 15.33
BIOL 299 L 501 T: Prosection I *French, Victor VAHS 113 W 300P - 500P 1 7 7 8.67 10.00 8.67
          450 1,005 446.67 535.33 977.00