The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Fall 2014 as of Census date: September 05, 2014
Campus: Valencia Campus -- College: NU-College of Nursing

  Three Year Fall Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
NURS 110 L 501 Professional Development *Johnston, Dianna VASCC 111 M 130P - 230P 1 16 16 15.67 16.00 15.67
NURS 115 L 501 Nursing Fundamentals *Walton, Helen VASCC 111 M W 900A - 100P 8 16 128 15.67 16.00 125.33
NURS 232 L 501 Pediatric Nursing *Ketcheson, Donna VASCC 111 T 900A - 1145A 4 12 48 13.33 16.00 53.33
NURS 234 L 501 Med-Surg Nursing II *Gautreaux, Mary VASCC 111 T 100P - 345P 5 12 60 13.67 16.00 68.33
NURS 239 L 501 Pathophysiology I *Ketcheson, Donna VASCC 111 R 900A - 1130A 3 13 39 21.33 30.00 64.00
          69 291 79.67 94.00 326.67