The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Fall 2014 as of Census date: September 05, 2014
Campus: Main Campus -- College: AS-College of Arts and Sciences

  Three Year Fall Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
PHYC 102 L 001 Intro To Physics *Tessier, Tracey REGH 103 T R 1230A - 145P 3 182 546 142.67 300.00 428.00
PHYC 102 L 010 Intro To Physics *Thomas, James ARR . 3 74 222 24.67 100.00 74.00
  Internet course please visit                
PHYC 102L L 004 Physics Laboratory *Odom, Boye; Dahiya, Vinita REGH 120 M 1200A - 150P 1 18 18 19.33 22.00 19.33
PHYC 102L L 005 Physics Laboratory *Odom, Boye; Mobini Souchelmaei, REGH 120 M 400P - 550P 1 13 13 18.00 22.00 18.00
PHYC 102L L 006 Physics Laboratory *Odom, Boye; Muraleedharan, Gopik REGH 120 W 1200A - 150P 1 20 20 13.00 14.67 13.00
PHYC 102L L 008 Physics Laboratory *Odom, Boye; Dahiya, Vinita REGH 120 T 200P - 350P 1 12 12 10.33 14.00 10.33
PHYC 102L L 009 Physics Laboratory *Odom, Boye; Dahiya, Vinita REGH 120 R 200P - 350P 1 7 7 8.67 14.67 8.67
PHYC 103 L 001 Sel T: Prep for Gen Physics *Morrison, L CTLB 330 T R 1100A - 1215A 3 13 39 4.33 16.00 13.00
PHYC 151 L 001 General Physics *Morgan-Tracy, Mark REGH 103 M W F 900A - 950A 3 173 519 170.00 300.00 510.00
PHYC 151 L 002 General Physics *Saul, Jeffery DSH 224 M W 530P - 645P 3 28 84 25.67 132.00 77.00
PHYC 151 L 003 General Physics *Morgan-Tracy, Mark CTLB 330 M W F 1200A - 1250A 3 60 180 53.33 51.00 160.00
PHYC 151L L 002 General Physics Lab *Saul, Jeffery DSH 224 M WR 700P - 750P 1 12 12 11.33 32.00 11.33
PHYC 151L L 003 General Physics Lab *Odom, Boye; Mazloom Farsibaf, Ha REGH 115 M 200P - 450P 1 20 20 22.00 22.67 22.00
PHYC 151L L 004 General Physics Lab *Odom, Boye; Dichter, Michal REGH 117 M 200P - 450P 1 19 19 20.33 18.67 20.33
PHYC 151L L 005 General Physics Lab *Odom, Boye; Behzadi, Behsan REGH 115 T 900A - 1150A 1 31 31 23.67 23.33 23.67
PHYC 151L L 006 General Physics Lab *Odom, Boye; Behzadi, Behsan REGH 115 T 200P - 450P 1 20 20 21.00 20.00 21.00
PHYC 151L L 007 General Physics Lab *Odom, Boye; Behzadi, Behsan REGH 115 T 700P - 950P 1 15 15 16.00 20.00 16.00
PHYC 151L L 008 General Physics Lab *Odom, Boye; Mazloom Farsibaf, Ha REGH 115 W 200P - 450P 1 25 25 23.33 21.33 23.33
PHYC 151L L 009 General Physics Lab *Odom, Boye; Mazloom Farsibaf, Ha REGH 115 R 200P - 450P 1 20 20 20.00 20.00 20.00
PHYC 152 L 001 General Physics *Cardimona, David REGH 103 M W F 100P - 150P 3 124 372 137.67 300.00 413.00
  "Supplemental Instruction (SI) is offered for this course.                
  Go to for SI session info."                
PHYC 152 L 002 General Physics *Cardimona, David REGH 103 S 900A - 1130A 3 56 168 56.00 300.00 168.00
  "Supplemental Instruction (SI) is offered for this course.                
  Go to for SI session info."                
PHYC 152L L 003 General Physics Lab *Odom, Boye; Dilorenzo, Paolo REGH 119 M 200P - 450P 1 24 24 23.67 20.00 23.67
PHYC 152L L 004 General Physics Lab *Odom, Boye; Meng, Junwei REGH 119 T 900A - 1150A 1 21 21 19.33 20.00 19.33
PHYC 152L L 005 General Physics Lab *Odom, Boye; Dilorenzo, Paolo REGH 119 T 200P - 450P 1 21 21 19.67 20.00 19.67
PHYC 152L L 006 General Physics Lab *Odom, Boye; Meng, Junwei REGH 119 R 200P - 450P 1 21 21 20.00 20.00 20.00
PHYC 152L L 007 General Physics Lab *Odom, Boye; Mobini Souchelmaei, REGH 119 S 100P - 350P 1 21 21 16.33 20.00 16.33
PHYC 152L L 008 General Physics Lab *Odom, Boye; Dilorenzo, Paolo REGH 119 T 700P - 950P 1 16 16 16.67 20.00 16.67
PHYC 157 L 001 Prob in Gen Physics *Morgan-Tracy, Mark REGH 114 W 1000A - 1050A 1 1 1 3.00 48.00 3.00
PHYC 157 L 002 Prob in Gen Physics *Saul, Jeffery DSH 224 R 600P - 650P 1 4 4 5.00 48.00 5.00
PHYC 157 L 003 Prob in Gen Physics *Morgan-Tracy, Mark REGH 114 F 100P - 150P 1 2 2 4.67 48.00 4.67
PHYC 158 L 001 Prob in Gen Physics *Cardimona, David REGH 114 W 200P - 250P 1 20 20 16.67 48.00 16.67
PHYC 158 L 002 Prob in Gen Physics *Cardimona, David REGH 103 S 1140A - 1230A 1 16 16 14.67 48.00 14.67
PHYC 160 L 001 General Physics *Dunlap, David REGH 103 M W F 1100A - 1150A 3 195 585 169.67 300.00 509.00
  "Supplemental Instruction (SI) is offered for this course.                
  Go to for SI session info."                
PHYC 160 L 002 General Physics *Schwoebel, Paul REGH 103 M W 500P - 615P 3 117 351 125.33 140.00 376.00
PHYC 160L L 004 General Physics Lab *Odom, Boye; Ch Narayan Chowdhury REGH 117 T 200P - 450P 1 18 18 19.33 20.00 19.33
PHYC 160L L 005 General Physics Lab *Odom, Boye; Wulf, Jana REGH 117 T 700P - 950P 1 19 19 19.00 20.00 19.00
PHYC 160L L 006 General Physics Lab *Odom, Boye; Sanders, Stephen REGH 117 W 200P - 450P 1 19 19 19.67 20.00 19.67
PHYC 160L L 007 General Physics Lab *Odom, Boye; Sanders, Stephen REGH 117 R 200P - 450P 1 19 19 18.33 20.00 18.33
PHYC 160L L 008 General Physics Lab *Odom, Boye; Ch Narayan Chowdhury REGH 117 T 900A - 1150A 1 8 8 2.67 3.33 2.67
PHYC 160L L 009 General Physics Lab *Odom, Boye; Ch Narayan Chowdhury REGH 117 R 900A - 1150A 1 16 16 5.33 6.67 5.33
PHYC 161 L 001 General Physics *Thomas, James REGH 103 M W F 1000A - 1050A 3 171 513 161.33 265.33 484.00
PHYC 161L L 002 General Physics Lab *Fields, Douglas; McFadden, Neil REGH 121 M 200P - 420P 1 19 19 19.00 20.00 19.00
PHYC 161L L 003 General Physics Lab *Fields, Douglas; McFadden, Neil REGH 121 T 200P - 420P 1 20 20 21.00 20.00 21.00
PHYC 161L L 004 General Physics Lab *Fields, Douglas; McFadden, Neil REGH 121 W 200P - 420P 1 14 14 17.67 20.00 17.67
PHYC 167 L 001 Prob in Gen Physics *Dunlap, David REGH 114 W 300P - 350P 1 42 42 43.33 48.00 43.33
PHYC 167 L 002 Prob in Gen Physics *Schwoebel, Paul REGH 103 M 630P - 720P 1 29 29 35.67 216.00 35.67
PHYC 168 L 001 Prob in Gen Physics *Thomas, James REGH 114 M 300P - 350P 1 11 11 13.33 48.00 13.33
PHYC 262 L 001 General Physics *Mafi, Arash REGH 103 M W F 1200A - 1250A 3 55 165 59.33 300.00 178.00
PHYC 262L L 002 General Physics Lab *Odom, Boye REGH 119 W 200P - 450P 1 22 22 20.33 20.00 20.33
PHYC 267 L 001 Prob in Gen Physics *Mafi, Arash REGH 114 W 100P - 150P 1 15 15 15.00 48.00 15.00
PHYC 301 U 001 Thermodynamics & Stat Mech *Seidel, Sally PANDA 184 M W 830A - 945A 3 20 60 15.33 26.67 46.00
PHYC 302 U 001 Photonics *Becerra Chavez, Fra PANDA 184 M W F 1000A - 1050A 3 13 39 4.33 13.33 13.00
PHYC 303 U 001 Analytical Mechanics I *Gold, Michael PANDA 184 M W F 1100A - 1150A 3 25 75 14.67 26.67 44.00
PHYC 306L U 001 Junior Laboratory *Hasselbeck, Michael EECE 311 M 100P - 450P 3 7 21 2.33 12.00 7.00
PHYC 311 U 001 Prob Thermo & Stat Mechanics *Seidel, Sally PANDA 184 T 1230A - 120P 1 5 5 1.67 13.33 1.67
PHYC 313 U 001 Prob Analytical Mechanics I *Gold, Michael PANDA 184 F 100P - 150P 1 14 14 7.33 26.67 7.33
PHYC 366 U 001 Math Methods of Physics *Prasad, Sudhakar PANDA 184 M 1200A - 1250A PANDA 5 T R 200P - 315P 4 13 52 4.33 13.33 17.33
PHYC 406 U 001 Electricity & Magnetism II *Loomba, Dinesh PANDA 5 T R 1230A - 145P 3 11 33 6.33 18.67 19.00
PHYC 416 U 001 Problems in E&M II *Loomba, Dinesh PANDA 184 W 100P - 150P 1 9 9 7.00 34.33 7.00
PHYC 451 U 048 Problems *Rand, Richard ARR . V 1 1 0.33 8.33 0.33
PHYC 451 U 055 Problems *Prasad, Sudhakar PANDA 184 W 1200A - 1250A 1 3 3 2.67 22.67 2.67
PHYC 451 U 068 Problems *Saul, Jeffery ARR . V 1 2 0.33 8.33 0.67
PHYC 452 U 012 Research Methods *Finley, Daniel ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
PHYC 452 U 017 Research Methods *Mafi, Arash ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
PHYC 452 U 027 Research Methods *Seidel, Sally ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
PHYC 452 U 052 Research Methods *Pihlstrom, Ylva M ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
PHYC 452 U 067 Research Methods *Odom, Boye ARR . V 6 6 7.33 25.00 7.33
PHYC 452 U 068 Research Methods *Saul, Jeffery PANDA 1131 F 1100A - 1150A 1 3 3 2.67 18.00 2.67
PHYC 452 U 070 Research Methods *Thomas, James ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
PHYC 452 U 076 Research Methods *Cahill, Kevin ARR . V 1 1 0.33 15.00 0.33
PHYC 456 U 065 Honors Problems *Loomba, Dinesh ARR . 1 1 1 0.33 15.00 0.33
PHYC 456 U 070 Honors Problems *Thomas, James ARR . 1 1 1 0.33 25.00 0.33
PHYC 463 U 001 Advanced Optics I *Diels, Jean-Claude PANDA 5 M W 300P - 415P 3 11 33 7.00 9.33 21.00
  XL: ABQ-ECE463                
PHYC 464 U 001 Laser Physics I *Sheik-Bahae, Mansoo PANDA 184 M W 530P - 645P 3 7 21 11.67 20.00 35.00
  XL: ABQ-ECE464                
PHYC 466 U 001 Meth of Theoretical Phys I *Finley, Daniel PANDA 5 T R 530P - 645P 3 16 48 5.33 9.33 16.00
PHYC 468 U 001 Prob Meths Theoretical Phys I *Finley, Daniel PANDA 5 T 700P - 750P 1 11 11 5.67 18.67 5.67
PHYC 480 U 001 ST: Earth Deformation *Roy, Mousumi PANDA 184 T R 200P - 315P 3 3 9 1.00 6.67 3.00
  XL: ABQ-PHYC581                
PHYC 491 U 001 Inter Quantum Mechanics I *Miyake, Akimasa PANDA 5 M W F 1100A - 1150A 3 11 33 16.67 32.00 50.00
PHYC 496 U 001 Prob Intermed Quantum Mech I *Miyake, Akimasa PANDA 184 M 200P - 250P 1 9 9 7.00 26.67 7.00
PHYC 500 M 002 Adv Sem: New Grad Students *Rudolph, Wolfgang PANDA 5 F 900A - 1030A 1 10 10 11.00 28.00 11.00
PHYC 500 M 003 Adv Sem: Colloquium *Thomas, James DSH 125 F 400P - 450P 1 7 7 5.33 100.00 5.33
PHYC 500 M 006 Adv Sem: Optics *Sheik-Bahae, Mansoo PANDA 190 M 1000A - 1050A 1 1 1 1.00 12.00 1.00
PHYC 500 M 007 Adv Sem: Astrophysics *Taylor, Gregory PANDA 190 R 200P - 250P 1 4 4 3.33 18.00 3.33
PHYC 500 M 008 Adv Sem: Nuc, Part, Ast, Cos *Allahverdi, Rouzbeh PANDA 190 T 200P - 250P 1 3 3 3.00 16.00 3.00
PHYC 500 M 009 Adv Sem: CAIS *Kenkre, Vasudev PANDA 190 M 130P - 320P 1 1 1 2.67 16.00 2.67
PHYC 500 M 010 Adv Sem: CQuIC Group Meeting *Deutsch, Ivan PANDA 190 W 300P - 430P 1 7 7 13.67 16.00 13.67
PHYC 500 M 013 Adv Sem: High Energy Nuc Phycs *Fields, Douglas PANDA 1131 F 230P - 320P 1 1 1 1.00 23.00 1.00
PHYC 500 M 014 Adv Sem: Neutrino Physics *Allahverdi, Rouzbeh; Duan, Huaiyu PANDA 1131 R 100P - 215P 1 3 3 1.67 23.00 1.67
PHYC 500 M 017 Adv Sem: Optical Spectroscopy *Rudolph, Wolfgang PANDA 1131 T 900A - 950A 1 1 1 0.67 15.33 0.67
PHYC 500 M 018 Adv Sem: OSE Seminar Series *Mafi, Arash CHTM 101 R 1100A - 1200A 1 15 15 5.00 11.67 5.00
  Rescheduled from CRN 46023 PHYC 500 016.                
PHYC 503 M 001 Classical Mechanics I *Kenkre, Vasudev PANDA 184 T R 1100A - 1215A 3 6 18 14.00 40.00 42.00
PHYC 521 M 001 Grad Quantum Mech I *Deutsch, Ivan PANDA 184 T R 930A - 1045A 3 14 42 12.33 36.00 37.00
PHYC 523 M 001 Quantum Field Theory I *Cahill, Kevin PANDA 5 M W 530P - 645P 3 9 27 3.00 9.33 9.00
PHYC 534 M 001 Plasma Physics I *Schamiloglu, Edl EECE 132 M W 400P - 515P 3 3 9 1.67 4.67 5.00
  XL: ABQ-ECE534: ABQ-ECE495: ABQ-CHNE515                
PHYC 551 M 018 Problems *Sheik-Bahae, Mansoo ARR . V 1 1 0.33 25.00 0.33
PHYC 551 M 034 Problems *Kenkre, Vasudev ARR . V 1 1 0.33 25.00 0.33
PHYC 551 M 040 Problems *Diels, Jean-Claude ARR . V 1 1 1.33 25.00 2.00
PHYC 551 M 057 Problems *Deutsch, Ivan PANDA 184 R 700P - 815P 1 8 8 6.67 32.00 6.67
PHYC 551 M 065 Problems *Rand, Richard PANDA 1131 F 1200A - 1250A 1 1 1 0.33 18.00 0.33
  Astrophysics Journal Club.                
PHYC 552 M 005 Problems *Deutsch, Ivan ARR . V 1 4 1.33 25.00 4.33
PHYC 552 M 012 Problems *Finley, Daniel ARR . V 1 1 0.33 25.00 0.33
PHYC 552 M 017 Problems *Mafi, Arash ARR . V 1 4 0.33 8.33 1.33
PHYC 552 M 036 Problems *Prasad, Sudhakar ARR . V 1 1 0.33 25.00 0.33
PHYC 559 M 001 Intern Op Sci & Engr *Sheik-Bahae, Mansoo ARR . 3 2 6 0.67 5.00 2.00
PHYC 572 M 001 Quant Info Theory *Caves, Carlton PANDA 184 T R 530P - 645P 3 7 21 10.33 26.67 31.00
PHYC 581 M 001 Adv T: Earth Deformation *Roy, Mousumi PANDA 184 T R 200P - 315P 3 6 18 4.67 16.00 14.00
  XL: ABQ-PHYC480                
PHYC 581 M 004 Adv T: High Energy Astrophysic *Allahverdi, Rouzbeh PANDA 5 M W 930A - 1045A 3 8 24 2.67 11.00 8.00
  Rescheduled from CRN 46692 PHYC 581 002.                
PHYC 581 M 005 Adv T: Density Functional Thry *Atlas, Susan PANDA 1131 M W 330P - 500P 3 5 15 1.67 4.00 5.00
  XL: ABQ-NSMS595                
  Rescheduled from CRN 47259 PHYC 581 003.                
PHYC 599 M 051 Masters Thesis *Taylor, Gregory ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
PHYC 599 M 053 Masters Thesis *Posse, Stefan ARR . V 1 1 0.67 25.00 2.33
PHYC 650 P 005 Research *Deutsch, Ivan ARR . V 1 5 2.00 25.00 9.00
PHYC 650 P 007 Research *Dunlap, David ARR . V 1 6 1.00 25.00 8.00
PHYC 650 P 008 Research *Becerra Chavez, Fra ARR . V 1 5 0.67 25.00 2.67
PHYC 650 P 010 Research *Lidke, Keith ARR . V 1 6 1.33 25.00 5.00
PHYC 650 P 013 Research *Caves, Carlton ARR . V 1 7 1.33 25.00 5.67
PHYC 650 P 017 Research *Mafi, Arash ARR . V 1 4 0.33 8.33 1.33
PHYC 650 P 018 Research *Sheik-Bahae, Mansoo ARR . V 3 12 3.00 25.00 13.67
PHYC 650 P 023 Research *Rudolph, Wolfgang ARR . V 1 10 1.33 25.00 7.33
PHYC 650 P 027 Research *Seidel, Sally ARR . V 1 1 1.67 25.00 5.00
PHYC 650 P 032 Research *Gold, Michael ARR . V 1 12 0.67 25.00 5.67
PHYC 650 P 034 Research *Kenkre, Vasudev ARR . V 1 2 0.67 25.00 2.00
PHYC 650 P 036 Research *Prasad, Sudhakar ARR . V 1 5 1.33 25.00 7.00
PHYC 650 P 037 Research *Brueck, Steven ARR . V 1 12 1.00 25.00 8.00
PHYC 650 P 040 Research *Diels, Jean-Claude ARR . V 2 15 1.00 25.00 7.00
PHYC 650 P 043 Research *Blume-Kohout, Robin ARR . V 1 5 0.33 8.33 1.67
PHYC 650 P 049 Research *Malloy, Kevin ARR . V 1 6 0.67 25.00 3.00
PHYC 650 P 065 Research *Loomba, Dinesh ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
PHYC 650 P 076 Research *Cahill, Kevin ARR . V 1 2 0.33 25.00 0.67
PHYC 650 P 079 Research *Landahl, Andrew ARR . V 1 8 0.67 25.00 3.00
PHYC 699 P 001 Dissertation *Ahluwalia, Harjit ARR . V 1 3 1.00 25.00 3.00
PHYC 699 P 005 Dissertation *Deutsch, Ivan ARR . V 5 60 4.67 25.00 53.00
PHYC 699 P 007 Dissertation *Dunlap, David ARR . V 1 3 1.67 25.00 15.00
PHYC 699 P 010 Dissertation *Lidke, Keith ARR . V 2 18 2.00 25.00 15.67
PHYC 699 P 013 Dissertation *Caves, Carlton ARR . V 4 39 4.00 25.00 42.33
PHYC 699 P 018 Dissertation *Sheik-Bahae, Mansoo ARR . V 5 30 4.33 25.00 27.67
PHYC 699 P 021 Dissertation *Duan, Huaiyu ARR . V 1 12 0.67 25.00 6.00
PHYC 699 P 023 Dissertation *Rudolph, Wolfgang ARR . V 4 45 3.00 25.00 33.00
PHYC 699 P 025 Dissertation *Henning, Patricia ARR . V 1 6 1.00 25.00 6.00
PHYC 699 P 027 Dissertation *Seidel, Sally ARR . V 1 6 1.67 25.00 16.00
PHYC 699 P 032 Dissertation *Gold, Michael ARR . V 1 3 0.67 25.00 5.00
PHYC 699 P 033 Dissertation *McGraw, John ARR . V 2 18 1.33 25.00 13.00
PHYC 699 P 034 Dissertation *Kenkre, Vasudev ARR . V 2 14 1.33 25.00 7.67
PHYC 699 P 035 Dissertation *Moore, Christopher ARR . V 1 6 0.67 5.00 4.00
PHYC 699 P 036 Dissertation *Prasad, Sudhakar ARR . V 2 21 2.00 25.00 17.00
PHYC 699 P 037 Dissertation *Brueck, Steven ARR . V 1 12 1.00 25.00 7.00
PHYC 699 P 040 Dissertation *Diels, Jean-Claude ARR . V 5 39 5.67 25.00 38.00
PHYC 699 P 047 Dissertation *Miyake, Akimasa ARR . V 2 24 0.67 16.67 8.00
PHYC 699 P 048 Dissertation *Rand, Richard ARR . V 1 11 0.67 25.00 7.67
PHYC 699 P 051 Dissertation *Taylor, Gregory ARR . V 1 12 0.67 25.00 8.00
PHYC 699 P 052 Dissertation *Pihlstrom, Ylva M ARR . V 1 12 1.00 25.00 11.00
PHYC 699 P 060 Dissertation *Fields, Douglas ARR . V 1 6 1.00 25.00 9.00
PHYC 699 P 062 Dissertation *Boyd, Stephen ARR . V 2 18 1.00 16.67 10.00
PHYC 699 P 065 Dissertation *Loomba, Dinesh ARR . V 2 24 2.00 25.00 24.00
PHYC 699 P 070 Dissertation *Thomas, James ARR . V 1 6 0.67 25.00 6.00
PHYC 699 P 071 Dissertation *Atlas, Susan ARR . V 3 27 1.33 16.67 13.00
PHYC 699 P 073 Dissertation *Allahverdi, Rouzbeh ARR . V 1 12 1.00 25.00 12.00
          2,332 5,791 2,098.00 5,991.33 5,101.33