The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Fall 2014 as of Census date: September 05, 2014
Campus: Main Campus -- College: ED-College of Education

  Three Year Fall Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
FS 202 L 001 Infant Growth and Development *Jaramillo, Geneviev DSH 233 T R 930A - 1045A 3 53 159 53.33 50.00 160.00
FS 207L L 001 Infant Laboratory *Jaramillo, Geneviev ARR . 1 18 18 15.33 30.00 15.33
FS 213 L 001 Marriage & Fam Relationships *Kelly, Ryan DSH 325 M W F 900A - 950A 3 63 189 64.00 63.00 192.00
FS 281 L 001 Intro Family Studies *Hossain, Ziarat DSH 223 T R 1100A - 1215A 3 53 159 52.00 50.00 156.00
FS 310 U 001 Friend & Intimate Rel *Eisberg, Giovanna DSH 136 M W F 1200A - 1250A 3 66 198 65.67 65.00 197.00
FS 312 U 001 Parent-Child Interactions *Deeds, Osvelia DSH 234 T R 200P - 315P 3 50 150 50.00 50.00 150.00
FS 312 U 002 Parent-Child Interactions *Eisberg, Giovanna TECH 130 T R 200P - 315P 3 25 75 8.33 8.33 25.00
FS 312 U 400 Parent-Child Interactions *Weeks, Pamela M 400P - 630P 3 25 75 16.67 16.67 50.00
FS 313 U 001 Family Theories *Olguin, Andrea TECH 140 T R 800A - 915A 3 41 123 42.00 50.00 126.00
FS 315 U 001 Adol Dev in the Family *Eisberg, Giovanna DSH 326 M W F 100P - 150P 3 48 144 49.00 50.00 147.00
FS 343 U 001 Family Mgmt Theories *Martin, Ashley DSH 234 M W F 1100A - 1150A 3 46 138 44.67 48.00 134.00
FS 391 U 002 Problems *Gutierrez-Gomez, Ca ARR . V 9 25 3.00 16.67 8.33
FS 391 U 003 Problems *Atencio, David ARR . V 1 1 0.67 25.00 0.67
FS 395 U 001 Field Experience I *Olguin, Andrea ARR . TECH 190 R 400P - 515P V 19 60 20.00 20.00 54.33
  XL: ABQ-FS495                
FS 411 U 001 Maritl & Fam Life Ed *Ross, Christine DSH 334 T 400P - 630P 3 27 81 28.67 30.00 86.00
FS 416 U 001 Adult Dev in the Fam *Martin, Ashley TECH 190 T R 1100A - 1215A 3 28 84 27.67 25.00 83.00
FS 443 U 001 Application of Fam Mgmt Theo *Cervantes, Rosa TECH 140 W 415P - 645P 3 50 150 41.00 35.00 123.00
FS 484 U 001 Ethnic Minority Fams *Kessel, Frank DSH 233 T R 1230A - 145P 3 44 132 41.00 28.67 123.00
FS 484 U 002 Ethnic Minority Fams *Hossain, Ziarat DSH 231 T R 1230A - 145P 3 23 69 7.67 8.33 23.00
FS 495 U 001 Field Experience II *Olguin, Andrea ARR . TECH 190 R 400P - 515P V 2 4 1.67 3.00 4.33
  XL: ABQ-FS395                
FS 504 M 001 Dev Issues:Ch & Adol *Kelly, Ryan TECH 190 W 400P - 630P 3 12 36 7.67 15.00 23.00
FS 543 M 001 Manag Fam Resources *Hossain, Ziarat EDUC 206 R 400P - 630P 3 17 51 5.67 6.67 17.00
FS 546 M 001 Fam Systems Theories *Atencio, David TECH 120 M 400P - 630P 3 7 21 5.00 13.33 15.00
FS 571 M 002 FS Research Project *Hossain, Ziarat ARR . 1 1 1 1.00 6.67 1.00
FS 591 M 003 Problems *Hossain, Ziarat ARR . V 1 1 2.00 25.00 3.33
FS 591 M 004 Problems *Atencio, David ARR . V 1 1 0.67 25.00 1.33
FS 591 M 005 Problems *Kelly, Ryan ARR . V 1 1 0.33 8.33 0.33
FS 595 M 003 Advanced Field Exp *Hossain, Ziarat ARR . V 3 9 1.67 25.00 5.00
FS 696 P 002 Internship   ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
FS 699 P 001 Dissertation *Shipman, Virginia ARR . V 2 12 2.67 25.00 16.00
FS 699 P 003 Dissertation *Hossain, Ziarat ARR . V 3 14 3.33 25.00 17.67
FS 699 P 005 Dissertation *Atencio, David ARR . V 1 6 0.33 8.33 2.00
          741 2,190 663.00 881.00 1,960.67