The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Fall 2014 as of Census date: September 05, 2014
Campus: Main Campus -- College: ED-College of Education

  Three Year Fall Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
LLSS 315 U 001 Educ Ling & Cultr Diverse Stu *Werito, Vincent WOOD 147 W 415P - 645P 3 3 9 1.00 2.33 3.00
  XL: EF-LLSS315: EG-LLSS315: EV-LLSS315: EW-LLSS315: EA-LLSS3                
  ITV course, for information visit                
LLSS 315 U 002 Educ Ling & Cultr Diverse Stu *Tabet-Cubero, Edwar MITCH 115 M 415P - 645P 3 24 72 22.67 25.00 68.00
LLSS 315 U 003 Educ Ling & Cultr Diverse Stu *Lopez Leiva, Carlos CTLB 230 T 415P - 645P 3 19 57 22.00 25.00 66.00
LLSS 315 U 005 Educ Ling & Cultr Diverse Stu *Werito, Vincent W 415P - 645P 3 16 48 5.33 6.00 16.00
  XL: ABQ-LLSS315: EG-LLSS315: EV-LLSS315: EW-LLSS315: EA-LLSS                
  ITV course, for information visit                
LLSS 315 U 007 Educ Ling & Cultr Diverse Stu *Werito, Vincent W 415P - 645P 3 12 36 4.00 4.33 12.00
  XL: ABQ-LLSS315: EF-LLSS315: EV-LLSS315: EW-LLSS315: EA-LLSS                
  ITV course, for information visit                
LLSS 315 U 008 Educ Ling & Cultr Diverse Stu *Werito, Vincent W 415P - 645P 3 2 6 0.67 1.67 2.00
  XL: ABQ-LLSS315: EF-LLSS315: EG-LLSS315: EW-LLSS315: EA-LLSS                
  ITV course, for information visit                
LLSS 315 U 011 Educ Ling & Cultr Diverse Stu *Werito, Vincent W 415P - 645P 3 4 12 1.33 1.67 4.00
  XL: ABQ-LLSS315: EF-LLSS315: EG-LLSS315: EV-LLSS315: EW-LLSS                
  ITV course, for information visit                
LLSS 430 U 001 Teaching Writing *Pence, Lucretia TECH 140 M 415P - 645P 3 31 93 31.33 30.00 94.00
LLSS 432 U 004 Teaching Social Studies *Martinez, Glenabah TECH 240 M 415P - 645P 3 22 66 19.33 25.00 58.00
LLSS 436 U 001 Teaching of English *Pence, Lucretia TECH 290 T 415P - 645P 3 16 48 21.33 33.33 64.00
LLSS 443 U 002 Childrens Literature *Zancanella, Donald ARR . 3 26 78 25.33 25.00 76.00
  Internet course please visit                
LLSS 443 U 003 Childrens Literature *Buntjer, Jennifer TECH 220 M 1230A - 300P 3 29 87 27.67 28.33 83.00
LLSS 443 U 004 Childrens Literature *Sung, Yoo Kyung TECH 120 T 130P - 400P 3 28 84 27.00 28.33 81.00
LLSS 443 U 006 Childrens Literature *Joyner, Breshaun TECH 220 T R 1230A - 145P 3 29 87 26.67 26.67 80.00
LLSS 443 U 451 Childrens Literature *Griego, Diane R 500P - 800P 3 14 42 4.67 6.67 14.00
  Rescheduled from CRN 39343 LLSS 443 450.                
LLSS 453 U 001 Theor & Cultr Found Bil Educ *Wilson, David EDUC 206 W 415P - 645P 3 19 57 15.00 25.00 45.00
LLSS 456 U 001 First Sec Lang Dev Cultr Cntxt *Guevara Beltran, Ma MITCH 204 T 415P - 645P 3 21 63 19.67 25.00 59.00
LLSS 456 U 002 First Sec Lang Dev Cultr Cntxt *Leming, Ann ARR . MITCH 204 R 415P - 645P MITCH 204 R 415P - 645P MITCH 204 R 415P - 645P MI 3 12 36 4.00 8.33 12.00
  Hybrid course 1.5 hours taken online.                
LLSS 458 U 001 Literacy Across Cultures *Ghaly, Noha MITCH 211 M 415P - 645P 3 23 69 19.00 20.67 57.00
LLSS 459 U 003 Second Language Literacy *Mahn, Holbrook ARR . ONE W 415P - 645P 3 7 21 13.33 15.33 40.00
  XL: ABQ-LLSS559                
  Class takes place at the Montezuma Elementary School.                
  Hybrid course 1.5 hrs taken online.                
LLSS 460 U 001 Lang Educ SW Nat Amer Comty *Sims, Christine DSH 132 R 115P - 345P 3 1 3 0.33 6.67 1.00
  XL: ABQ-LLSS560: EF-LLSS460: EG-LLSS460: EA-LLSS460: EF-LLSS                
  ITV course, for information visit                
LLSS 460 U 003 Lang Educ SW Nat Amer Comty *Sims, Christine R 115P - 345P 3 2 6 0.67 1.67 2.00
  XL: ABQ-LLSS460: ABQ-LLSS560: EF-LLSS460: EA-LLSS460: EF-LLS                
  ITV course, for information visit                
LLSS 480 U 001 Second Language Pedagogy *Ilett, Darren EDUC 204 M 415P - 645P 3 7 21 7.00 20.00 21.00
LLSS 482 U 001 Teaching Engl as Sec Language *Temina-Kingsolver, MITCH 213 R 415P - 645P 3 13 39 14.33 20.00 43.00
LLSS 493 U 010 T: Curandero: Mex-Folk Healin *Torres, Eliseo ARR . 3 21 63 7.00 13.33 21.00
  XL: EA-ANTH340: EA-LLSS593: EA-ANTH540                
  Online course visit                
LLSS 493 U 012 T: Navajo Language & Education *Werito, Vincent T R 415P - 645P 3 1 3 0.33 3.33 1.00
  XL: ABQ-LLSS493: EG-LLSS493: ELA-LLSS493: EV-LLSS493: EW-LLS                
  ITV course, for information visit                
  Rescheduled from CRN 50226 LLSS 493.003.                
LLSS 493 U 015 T: Navajo Language & Education *Werito, Vincent T R 415P - 645P 3 2 6 0.67 1.00 2.00
  XL: ABQ-LLSS493: EF-LLSS493: ELA-LLSS493: EV-LLSS493: EW-LLS                
  ITV course, for information visit                
  Rescheduled from CRN 50227 LLSS 493.004.                
LLSS 500 M 002 Iss Lang Literacy Socioculture *Sims, Christine TECH 120 T 415P - 645P 3 14 42 14.33 23.33 43.00
LLSS 501 M 001 Practitioner Research *Roberts, Shelley TECH 240 M 700P - 930P 3 6 18 10.00 15.00 30.00
LLSS 502 M 001 Intro to Qualitative Research *Trinidad, Ruth EDUC 201 T 1100A - 130P 3 11 33 15.00 20.00 45.00
LLSS 502 M 002 Intro to Qualitative Research *Davidson, Samuel TECH 240 R 700P - 930P 3 18 54 18.33 20.00 55.00
LLSS 503 M 001 Research Bil Clsrms & Cmty *Blum-Martinez, Rebe HOKW 200 W 415P - 645P 3 13 39 14.67 24.00 44.00
LLSS 521 M 001 Prosem-Sociology of Educ *Martinez, Glenabah HOKW 200 R 415P - 645P 3 10 30 3.33 5.33 10.00
LLSS 527 M 001 Stdy in Rhet for Tchrs *Pence, Lucretia ARR . 3 20 60 6.67 13.33 20.00
  Online course visit:                
LLSS 528 M 001 Stdies Read & Lit for Teachers *Sung, Yoo Kyung ARR . 3 10 30 13.33 21.67 40.00
  Online course visit                
LLSS 530 M 001 Whiteness Studies *Allen, Ricky TECH 260 T 415P - 645P 3 14 42 11.67 15.00 35.00
LLSS 551 M 001 Hist Amer Ind Educ *Werito, Vincent DSH 134 T 700P - 930P 3 3 9 6.00 10.00 18.00
  XL: ABQ-NATV450: EF-LLSS551: EG-LLSS551: ET-LLSS551: EF-NATV                
  ITV course, for information visit                
LLSS 551 M 002 Hist Amer Ind Educ *Werito, Vincent T 700P - 930P 3 1 3 1.67 10.00 5.00
  XL: ABQ-NATV450: ABQ-LLSS551: EG-LLSS551: ET-LLSS551: EF-NAT                
  ITV course, for information visit                
LLSS 551 M 004 Hist Amer Ind Educ *Werito, Vincent T 700P - 930P 3 1 3 1.00 10.00 3.00
  XL: ABQ-NATV450: ABQ-LLSS551: EF-LLSS551: EG-LLSS551: EF-NAT                
  ITV course, for information visit                
LLSS 556 M 001 First Sec Lang Dev Cultr Cntxt *Blum-Martinez, Rebe TECH 230 T 415P - 645P 3 18 54 13.33 20.00 40.00
LLSS 558 M 001 Literacy Across Cultures *Lopez Leiva, Carlos CTLB 230 M 415P - 645P 3 12 36 12.00 17.33 36.00
LLSS 559 M 004 Second Language Literacy *Mahn, Holbrook ARR . ONE W 415P - 645P 3 5 15 7.33 13.33 22.00
  XL: ABQ-LLSS459                
  Class takes place at the Montezuma Elementary School.                
  Hybrid course 1.5 hrs taken online.                
LLSS 560 M 001 Lang Educ SW Nat Amer Cmty *Sims, Christine DSH 132 ARR . 3 3 9 1.00 6.67 3.00
  XL: ABQ-LLSS460: EF-LLSS460: EG-LLSS460: EA-LLSS460: EF-LLSS                
  ITV course, for information visit                
LLSS 561 M 001 Reading Writing & Diversities *Meyer, Richard ONE R 415P - 645P 3 22 66 7.33 8.33 22.00
  Class takes place at the Los Lunas Teacher Resource Center.                
LLSS 580 M 002 Sem: Educ Bilingual Students *Brown-Martinez, Sar TECH 230 T 700P - 930P 3 9 27 6.33 16.67 19.00
LLSS 587 M 001 Education and Gender Equity *Trinidad, Ruth EDUC 201 W 415P - 645P 3 14 42 4.67 6.00 14.00
  XL: ABQ-WMST579                
LLSS 590 M 002 Sem: Seminar in LLSS *Calhoon, Judith TECH 280 R 415P - 645P 3 12 36 7.00 12.00 21.00
LLSS 590 M 003 Sem: Sem in LLSS *Calhoon, Judith TECH 280 R 700P - 930P 3 11 33 3.67 4.00 11.00
  Rescheduled from CRN 52065 LLSS 590 001.                
LLSS 591 M 001 Problems *Allen, Ricky ARR . V 1 3 1.33 25.00 3.67
LLSS 591 M 011 Problems *Lopez Leiva, Carlos ARR . V 1 3 0.67 25.00 2.00
LLSS 591 M 022 Problems *Pence, Lucretia ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
LLSS 593 M 001 T: Pedagogy Tchg Adult ESL Stu *Chamcharatsri, Pisa MITCH 105 W 700P - 930P 3 8 24 6.00 9.67 18.00
  XL: ABQ-ENGL540                
LLSS 593 M 004 T: Theoretical Research *Allen, Ricky MITCH 208 R 415P - 645P 3 9 27 8.33 15.00 25.00
LLSS 593 M 010 T: Curandero: Mex-Folk Healing *Torres, Eliseo ARR . 3 9 27 3.00 10.00 9.00
  XL: EA-ANTH340: EA-LLSS493: EA-ANTH540                
  Online course visit                
LLSS 593 M 014 T: Navajo Language & Education *Werito, Vincent T R 415P - 645P 3 1 3 0.33 3.33 1.00
  XL: ABQ-LLSS493: EF-LLSS493: EG-LLSS493: ELA-LLSS493: EV-LLS                
  ITV course, for information visit                
  Rescheduled from CRN 51004 LLSS 593.003.                
LLSS 595 M 013 Adv Field Experience *Martinez, Glenabah ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
LLSS 595 M 014 Adv Field Experience *Meyer, Lois ARR . V 1 3 0.67 25.00 3.00
LLSS 595 M 022 Adv Field Experience *Pence, Lucretia ARR . V 3 9 1.00 25.00 3.00
LLSS 596 M 008 Internship *Lopez Leiva, Carlos ARR . V 1 3 0.67 25.00 2.00
LLSS 598 M 019 Dir Reading *Peele, Tryphenia ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
LLSS 598 M 022 Dir Reading *Pence, Lucretia ARR . V 1 3 0.67 25.00 2.00
LLSS 598 M 026 Dir Reading *Trinidad, Ruth ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
LLSS 598 M 028 Dir Reading *Zancanella, Donald ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
LLSS 599 M 026 Masters Thesis *Trinidad, Ruth ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
LLSS 605 P 001 Advanced Qualitative Research *Peele, Tryphenia HOKW 200 M 415P - 645P 3 8 24 5.00 6.67 15.00
LLSS 640 P 001 Sem: Lang & Literacy *Mahn, Holbrook MITCH 117 M 415P - 645P 3 21 63 20.00 21.67 60.00
LLSS 650 P 001 Dissertation Seminar *Noll, Elizabeth TECH 190 M 415P - 645P 3 11 33 3.67 3.33 11.00
LLSS 696 P 010 Internship *Allen, Ricky ARR . V 1 3 0.67 16.67 2.00
LLSS 696 P 019 Internship *Sims, Christine ARR . V 1 3 0.33 16.67 1.00
LLSS 698 P 008 Dir Readings *Lopez Leiva, Carlos ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
LLSS 698 P 022 Dir Readings *Pence, Lucretia ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
LLSS 699 P 001 Dissertation *Allen, Ricky ARR . V 10 66 10.00 25.00 76.00
LLSS 699 P 002 Dissertation *Blum-Martinez, Rebe ARR . V 1 3 2.67 25.00 15.00
LLSS 699 P 003 Dissertation *Cajete, Gregory ARR . V 1 9 0.67 25.00 6.00
LLSS 699 P 004 Dissertation *Calhoon, Judith ARR . V 2 12 2.33 25.00 15.00
LLSS 699 P 006 Dissertation *Werito, Vincent ARR . V 1 9 0.33 25.00 3.00
LLSS 699 P 012 Dissertation *Mahn, Holbrook ARR . V 8 48 8.00 25.00 44.00
LLSS 699 P 013 Dissertation *Martinez, Glenabah ARR . V 2 18 1.33 25.00 12.00
LLSS 699 P 014 Dissertation *Meyer, Lois ARR . V 1 9 2.67 25.00 17.00
LLSS 699 P 019 Dissertation *Peele, Tryphenia ARR . V 2 15 0.67 25.00 5.00
LLSS 699 P 022 Dissertation *Pence, Lucretia ARR . V 5 36 5.00 25.00 29.00
LLSS 699 P 025 Dissertation *Sims, Christine ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
LLSS 699 P 026 Dissertation *Trinidad, Ruth ARR . V 4 27 4.00 25.00 22.00
LLSS 699 P 028 Dissertation *Zancanella, Donald ARR . V 3 12 1.33 25.00 8.00
LLSS 699 P 035 Dissertation *Scherba de Valenzue ARR . V 3 24 3.33 25.00 23.00
          760 2,439 618.00 1,524.67 2,002.67