The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Fall 2014 as of Census date: September 05, 2014
Campus: Main Campus -- College: ED-College of Education

  Three Year Fall Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
MSET 365 U 001 Tech Integra Effect Instruct *Coker, Katrina TECH 280 M 100P - 345P 3 19 57 18.00 18.00 54.00
MSET 365 U 004 Tech Integra Effect Instruct *Lopes, Julia ARR . 3 19 57 18.33 19.33 55.00
  Internet course please visit                
MSET 365 U 005 Tech Integra Effect Instruct *Brinkerhoff, Jonath ARR . 3 20 60 18.67 19.33 56.00
  Internet course please visit                
MSET 365 U 009 Tech Integra Effect Instruct *Kingsley, Karla TECH 280 W 100P - 345P 3 18 54 19.33 18.00 58.00
MSET 365 U 011 Tech Integra Effect Instruct *Kingsley, Karla TECH 280 T 900A - 1145A 3 18 54 19.00 18.00 57.00
MSET 429 U 002 Tchg of Sec Math *Tyson, Kersti ARR . EDUC 206 T 415P - 645P 3 10 30 7.67 25.00 23.00
  Hybrid course 1.5 hrs taken online.                         
MSET 431 U 002 Tchg of Sec Sci *Mattison, Cheryl EDUC 201 M 415P - 645P 3 17 51 11.33 18.00 34.00
MSET 570 M 001 Digital Game-Based Learning *Kingsley, Karla TECH 280 M 415P - 645P 3 6 18 2.00 6.00 6.00
MSET 699 P 032 Dissertation *Tyson, Kersti ARR . V 1 6 0.67 25.00 4.00
  XL: ABQ-EDUC699                
          128 387 115.00 166.67 347.00