The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Fall 2014 as of Census date: September 05, 2014
Campus: Main Campus -- College: FA-College of Fine Arts

  Three Year Fall Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
FA 105 L 001 FA Coop Work Phase *Hitz, Keith ARR . 0 1 0 2.33 50.00 0.00
FA 250 L 003 Intro to Arts Mngmt *Chavez, Regina CTRART 1019 M 530P - 815P 3 16 48 5.33 6.67 16.00
FA 250 L 005 Intro to Arts Mngmt *Chavez, Regina ARR . 3 27 81 17.00 18.33 51.00
  Online course, for information visit:                
FA 284 L 001 Exper the Arts Info Visual *Chen, Xuan ARR . 3 20 60 14.33 18.33 43.00
  Online course, for informatin visit:                
FA 284 L 623 Experiencing the Arts *Lofton, Ramsey DSH 144 T R 1230A - 145P 3 22 66 20.33 23.00 61.00
  Learning Community - See Advisor.                
FA 365 U 001 Soc Media Arts Marketing *Siarza, Kristelle ARR . 3 30 90 10.00 10.00 30.00
  Online course visit                
FA 370 U 001 PR: Public Art Roadmap *Brueggemann, Sherri CTRART 1018 W 530P - 815P 3 10 30 3.33 8.33 10.00
FA 370 U 002 PR: Grant Wrtg for Arts Orgs *Montano, Mary CTRART 1018 R 530P - 815P 3 8 24 2.67 8.33 8.00
FA 394 U 001 Problems Interdisc Studies *Shepperson, Sam ARR . 3 1 3 1.00 10.00 3.00
FA 394 U 002 Problems Interdisc Studies *Lofton, Ramsey CTRART W F 900A - 1050A 3 1 3 0.33 12.67 1.00
  Class takes place in the CTRART Bldg, Room 3015.                
FA 470 U 001 Adv T: Creative Economy *Chavez, Regina CTRART 1018 T 530P - 815P 3 9 27 3.00 8.33 9.00
FA 475 U 001 Prof Print Workshop *Devon, Marjorie TAMD INS T 800A - 1000A 2 7 14 7.33 8.00 14.67
FA 476 U 001 Professional Printer *Hamon, Rodney TAMD INS M WRF 800A - 900A 4 7 28 7.33 8.00 29.33
FA 495 U 003 Arts Management Internship *Lofton, Ramsey ARR . 3 5 15 1.67 6.67 5.00
  Online course, visit                
  Rescheduled from CRN 50397 FA 495.002.                
          164 489 96.00 196.67 281.00