The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Fall 2016 as of Census date: September 11, 2015
Campus: Los Alamos Campus -- College: AS-College of Arts and Sciences

  Three Year Fall Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
BIOL 123 L 301 Bio for Health Related Sci *Budge, Cindy ARR . 3 12 36 8.33 23.33 25.00
BIOL 123 L 302 Bio for Health Related Sci *Budge, Cindy LASCLB 516 T R 1000A - 1115A 3 21 63 7.00 8.33 21.00
BIOL 124L L 300 Bio-Health Sci Lab *Budge, Cindy LASCLB 312 T 1200A - 250P 1 15 15 14.00 15.00 14.00
BIOL 124L L 301 Bio-Health Sci Lab *Hollowell, Brittany LASCLB 312 T 500P - 750P 1 10 10 9.00 16.00 9.00
BIOL 201L L 300 Molecular & Cell Biology *Belobrajdic, Kather; Hollowell, Brittany LASIX 627 T R 1000A - 1115A LASCLB 312 R 1200A - 150P 4 5 20 7.00 25.00 28.00
BIOL 203 L 300 Ecology and Evolution *Dendy, Leslie LASIX 625 M W 830A - 945A 3 6 18 2.00 8.33 6.00
BIOL 203L L 300 Ecology and Evolution Lab *Dendy, Leslie LASCLB 312 W 1200A - 250P 1 5 5 1.67 8.33 1.67
BIOL 237 L 300 Hum Anat & Physio I Hlth Sci *Schauer, Susan ARR . 3 22 66 17.00 20.00 51.00
BIOL 237 L 301 Hum Anat & Physio I Hlth Sci *Schauer, Susan ARR . 3 21 63 15.00 20.00 45.00
BIOL 247L L 300 Anatomy & Physiology Lab I *Schauer, Susan LASCLB 312 F 1200A - 250P 1 12 12 11.67 25.00 11.67
          129 308 92.67 169.33 212.33