The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Fall 2016 as of Census date: September 11, 2015
Campus: Valencia Campus -- College: NU-College of Nursing

  Three Year Fall Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
NURS 110 L 501 Professional Development *Campbell, Marjorie VASCC 111 M 800A - 850A 1 16 16 16.00 16.00 16.00
NURS 115 L 501 Nursing Fundamentals *Cain, Sheral; Campbell, Marjorie VASCC 111 M W 900A - 1230A 8 16 128 16.00 16.00 128.00
  Addition course time will be required for clinicals. Times                
  will be arranged by the instructor.                
NURS 230 L 502 Women's Hlth Nursing *Moser-Gautreaux, Ma; Campbell, Marjorie VASCC 111 F 900A - 1200A 4 16 64 5.33 5.33 21.33
NURS 232 L 502 Pediatric Nursing *Taylor, Lisa VASCC 111 F 100P - 400P 4 16 64 5.33 5.33 21.33
NURS 234 L 501 Med-Surg Nursing II *Moser-Gautreaux, Ma VASCC 111 T 1230A - 315P 5 16 80 14.67 16.00 73.33
  Additional course time will be required for clinicals.                
  Times will be arranged by the instructor.                
          80 352 57.33 58.67 260.00