The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Fall 2016 as of Census date: September 11, 2015
Campus: Main Campus -- College: ED-College of Education

  Three Year Fall Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
NUTR 120 L 001 Nutrition for Health *Velasquez, Kristina EDUC 101 M W F 1000A - 1050A 3 30 90 36.00 36.67 108.00
NUTR 120 L 002 Nutrition for Health *Lamers, Erin TECH 140 M W F 1100A - 1150A 3 31 93 21.33 20.00 64.00
NUTR 244 L 001 Human Nutrition *Velasquez, Kristina EDUC 103 T R 930A - 1045A 3 55 165 54.67 55.00 164.00
NUTR 244 L 002 Human Nutrition *Rael, Shelley DSH 328 M W 400P - 515P 3 61 183 61.67 62.00 185.00
NUTR 244 L 003 Human Nutrition *McKay, Tabitha MITCH 211 R 530P - 800P 3 35 105 37.67 49.33 113.00
NUTR 244 L 004 Human Nutrition *Skinner, Elle UAEC B90 T R 1100A - 1215A 3 52 156 54.00 55.00 162.00
NUTR 244 L 005 Human Nutrition *Porter-Bolton, Suza TECH 140 T R 930A - 1045A 3 53 159 53.00 55.00 159.00
NUTR 320 U 003 Methods in Nutrition Education *Coakley, Kathryn DSH 127 T R 330P - 445P 3 48 144 16.00 21.00 48.00
NUTR 321 U 001 Mgt in Dietetics I *Coakley, Kathryn TECH 140 T R 1100A - 1215A 3 41 123 37.67 34.33 113.00
NUTR 344 U 002 Energy Nutrients Human Nutr *Pribis, Peter ARR . EDUC 104 T 1230A - 145P 3 71 213 23.67 49.33 71.00
  Online course visit                
  Rescheduled from CRN 56802 NUTR 344.001.                
NUTR 344 U 004 Energy Nutrients Human Nutr *Pribis, Peter ARR . 3 31 93 19.00 16.67 57.00
  Online course visit                
NUTR 424 U 001 Nutrition Life Cycle *Gonzales-Pacheco, D TECH 140 T R 200P - 315P 3 53 159 31.67 26.67 95.00
NUTR 427 U 001 Med Nutr Ther I *Cerami, Jean TECH 140 T R 1230A - 145P 3 38 114 34.00 35.00 102.00
NUTR 498 U 001 Reading & Research Honors II *Cohen, Deborah ARR . 2 1 2 1.33 25.00 2.67
NUTR 528 M 002 Adv Med Nutr Therapy *Cerami, Jean TECH 220 M 900A - 1145A 3 13 39 9.33 14.00 28.00
NUTR 550 M 001 App Dietetics Pract *Gonzales-Pacheco, D ARR . 3 7 21 6.67 14.00 20.00
NUTR 591 M 001 Problems *Cohen, Deborah ARR . V 6 8 3.33 10.00 6.00
NUTR 591 M 003 Problems *Cerami, Jean ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
NUTR 591 M 005 Problems *Pribis, Peter ARR . V 5 7 3.00 25.00 4.33
NUTR 593 M 001 T: Nutr Research Methods *Cohen, Deborah TECH 190 M 100P - 345P 3 12 36 4.00 4.00 12.00
NUTR 593 M 002 T: Complimentary Alt Therapies *Cohen, Deborah MITCH 217 T 400P - 630P 3 7 21 7.67 18.00 23.00
NUTR 595 M 006 Adv Fld Experiences *Cerami, Jean ARR . 3 7 21 6.67 15.00 20.00
  08/01/2016 - 12/23/2016                
NUTR 599 M 002 Master's Thesis *Cohen, Deborah ARR . V 1 3 0.67 25.00 2.00
          659 1,958 523.33 691.00 1,560.00