The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Spring 2010 as of Census date: February 5, 2010
Campus: Main Campus -- College: ED-College of Education

  Three Year Spring Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
NUTR 120 L 001 Nutrition for Health *Kafka, Ada MITCH 120 T 500P - 745P 3 48 144 16.00 16.67 48.00
NUTR 120 L 002 Nutrition for Health *Harmon, Lisa DSH 223 M W F 900A - 950A 3 57 171 52.67 50.00 158.00
NUTR 120 L 003 Nutrition for Health *Kafka, Ada DSH 233 M W 400P - 515P 3 48 144 48.67 50.00 146.00
NUTR 244 L 001 Human Nutrition *Martinez, Mary EDUC 105 M W 400P - 515P 3 71 213 71.33 75.00 214.00
NUTR 244 L 002 Human Nutrition *Cerami, Jean KIVA 104 T R 800A - 915A 3 96 288 103.67 150.00 311.00
NUTR 244 L 003 Human Nutrition *Rael, Shelley DSH 329 R 500P - 745P 3 31 93 10.33 16.67 31.00
NUTR 322 U 002 Management in Dietetics II *Lockner, Donna EDUC 208 T R 930A - 1045A 3 27 81 27.67 40.00 101.67
NUTR 330 U 004 Prin of Food Science *Cohen, Deborah ARR . JOHNS 154 T R 200P - 315P 4 25 100 28.00 32.00 112.00
NUTR 330L U 004 Prin of Food Sci w Lab *Cohen, Deborah JOHNS 124 W 1200A - 245P 0 25 0 27.33 32.00 0.00
NUTR 345 U 001 Vitamins and Minerals Hum Nutr *Martin, Deborah MITCH 221 T R 1100A - 1215A 3 34 102 34.67 43.00 104.00
NUTR 345 U 002 Vitamins and Minerals Hum Nutr *Martin, Deborah DSH 327 T R 930A - 1045A 3 45 135 44.67 50.00 134.00
NUTR 391 U 003 Problems *Cohen, Deborah ARR . V 1 3 0.33 6.67 1.00
NUTR 406 U 001 Community Nutrition *Pickens, Lauren SARAR 101 W 400P - 645P 3 24 72 26.00 40.00 78.00
NUTR 428 U 001 Med Nutr Ther II *Cerami, Jean SSC B20 T R 1230A - 145P 3 25 75 24.33 35.00 73.00
NUTR 445 U 001 Applied Nutr & Exer *Conn, Carole SARAR 101 T 930A - 1045A 3 23 69 28.33 58.00 85.00
  Hybrid course 1.5 hrs taken online.      
NUTR 445 U 002 Applied Nutr & Exer *Conn, Carole ARR . 3 14 42 9.33 10.00 28.00
  Internet course see      
NUTR 550 M 001 App Dietetics Pract *Cohen, Deborah ARR . 3 7 21 7.67 14.00 23.00
NUTR 591 M 002 Problems *Conn, Carole ARR . V 1 1 1.00 25.00 1.00
NUTR 591 M 004 Problems *Lockner, Donna ARR . V 1 2 1.67 25.00 4.67
NUTR 593 M 001 T: Culture & Cuisine *Conn, Carole JOHNS 124 M 400P - 645P 3 9 27 7.00 14.67 21.00
NUTR 593 M 002 T: Maternal & Child Nutr *Lockner, Donna MITCH 207 M 1200A - 245P 3 11 33 3.67 6.67 11.00
NUTR 595 M 003 Adv Fld Experiences *Cerami, Jean ARR . 3 7 21 7.00 15.00 21.00
NUTR 599 M 001 Masters Thesis *Conn, Carole ARR . V 1 1 0.67 25.00 0.67
          631 1,838 582.00 830.33 1,707.00