The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Spring 2015 as of Census date: January 30, 2015
Campus: Main Campus -- College: AS-College of Arts and Sciences

  Three Year Spring Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
EPS 101 L 001 Intro Geology How Earth Works *Pun, Aurora CTLB 300 T R 930A - 1045A 3 54 162 81.67 117.67 245.00
EPS 101 L 002 Intro Geology How Earth Works *Pun, Aurora CTLB 300 T R 1230A - 145P 3 75 225 95.33 117.67 286.00
EPS 101 L 003 Intro Geology How Earth Works *Schmandt, Brandon DSH 129 M W F 100P - 150P 3 57 171 55.67 134.67 167.00
EPS 101 L 004 Intro Geology How Earth Works *Williamson, Thomas NTHP 340 T R 530P - 645P 3 24 72 26.33 40.00 79.00
EPS 101 L 005 Intro Geology How Earth Works *Schmandt, Brandon NTHP 122 M W F 1100A - 1150A 3 76 228 51.00 133.33 153.00
EPS 101 L 006 Intro Geology How Earth Works *Pun, Aurora ARR . 3 23 69 24.00 25.00 72.00
  Online course visit:                
EPS 101 L 007 Intro Geology How Earth Works *Watt, Paula UNMWST 2224 T R 930A - 1045A 3 11 33 3.67 10.00 11.00
EPS 105L L 001 Physical Geology Lab *Pun, Aurora SMLC B64 M 200P - 350P 1 23 23 22.33 24.00 22.33
EPS 105L L 002 Physical Geology Lab *Pun, Aurora SMLC B64 T 1100A - 1250A 1 22 22 22.00 24.00 22.00
EPS 105L L 003 Physical Geology Lab *Pun, Aurora SMLC B64 T 200P - 350P 1 20 20 21.67 24.00 21.67
EPS 105L L 004 Physical Geology Lab *Pun, Aurora SMLC B64 W 900A - 1050A 1 20 20 20.67 24.00 20.67
EPS 105L L 005 Physical Geology Lab *Pun, Aurora SMLC B64 W 300P - 450P 1 22 22 19.33 24.00 19.33
EPS 105L L 006 Physical Geology Lab *Pun, Aurora SMLC B64 W 530P - 720P 1 10 10 5.67 16.00 5.67
EPS 105L L 008 Physical Geology Lab *Watt, Paula UNMWST 2224 T 1100A - 1250A 1 6 6 2.00 10.00 2.00
EPS 105L L 009 Physical Geology Lab *Pun, Aurora SMLC B64 R 330P - 520P 1 12 12 7.67 14.67 7.67
  Rescheduled from CRN 46228 EPS 105L 007.                
EPS 201L L 002 Earth History *Strong, Melvin NTHP 116 T 900A - 1050A NTHP 116 M W F 1000A - 1050A 4 25 100 23.67 23.33 94.67
  XL: ABQ-EPS201L                
EPS 201L L 003 Earth History *Strong, Melvin NTHP 116 M W F 1000A - 1050A NTHP 116 W 1200A - 150P 4 26 104 23.67 23.33 94.67
  XL: ABQ-EPS201L                
EPS 300 U 001 T: Intro to GIS *Scuderi, Louis NTHP 115 T R 1100A - 1215A 3 19 57 14.00 14.67 42.00
EPS 303L U 001 Igneous Metamorph Petrology *Fischer, Tobias; Karlstrom, Karl NTHP 340 T R 930A - 1045A NTHP 105 T 200P - 450P 4 14 56 13.67 16.00 54.67
  XL: ABQ-EPS303L                
EPS 303L U 002 Igneous Metamorph Petrology *Fischer, Tobias; Karlstrom, Karl NTHP 340 T R 930A - 1045A NTHP 105 R 200P - 450P 4 17 68 14.67 16.00 58.67
  XL: ABQ-EPS303L                
EPS 307L U 001 Structural Geology *Karlstrom, Karl NTHP 105 T R 1100A - 1215A NTHP 105 W 200P - 450P 4 18 72 21.00 28.67 84.00
EPS 333 U 001 Environmental Geology *Smith, Gary DSH 224 M W F 900A - 950A 3 48 144 44.67 54.00 134.00
EPS 352 U 001 Global Climate Change *Gutzler, David NTHP 340 M W 200P - 315P 3 21 63 14.00 11.67 42.00
  XL: ABQ-GEOG352                
EPS 365 U 001 Exploring the Solar System *Agee, Carl NTHP 340 T R 1230A - 145P 3 40 120 13.33 12.67 40.00
EPS 400 U 002 T: Applied & Env Geophysics *Lowe Worthington, L NTHP 340 M W F 1100A - 1150A NTHP 115 T 100P - 350P 3 9 27 6.33 13.33 19.00
EPS 401 U 001 Colloquium *Sharp, Zachary; McFadden, Leslie NTHP 122 F 200P - 350P 1 19 19 22.33 100.00 22.33
  XL: ABQ-EPS501                
EPS 405L U 001 Stable Isotope Geochemistry *Sharp, Zachary NTHP 105 M W F 1000A - 1050A 3 3 9 1.00 3.33 3.00
  XL: ABQ-EPS505L                
EPS 433 U 001 Stat Data Analysis Earth Sci *Gutzler, David NTHP 115 M W F 1000A - 1050A 3 15 45 11.67 15.00 35.00
EPS 439 U 001 Paleoclimatology *Fawcett, Peter NTHP 340 M W F 100P - 150P 3 39 117 37.33 38.00 112.00
EPS 476 U 001 Physical Hydrology *Galewsky, Joseph NTHP 340 T R 330P - 445P 3 9 27 9.33 14.33 28.00
  XL: ABQ-EPS576: ABQ-WR576                
EPS 490 U 001 Geology Presentation *McFadden, Leslie NTHP 146 F 100P - 150P 1 18 18 18.67 16.00 18.67
EPS 491 U 800 Problems *Ragland, Deborah ARR . 3 4 12 2.33 0.67 7.00
EPS 492 U 004 Problems *Crossey, Laura ARR . V 1 1 1.00 25.00 1.00
EPS 492 U 018 Problems *Scuderi, Louis ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
EPS 492 U 019 Problems *Atudorei, Nicu-Vior ARR . V 1 1 0.33 25.00 0.33
EPS 492 U 020 Problems *Sharp, Zachary ARR . V 1 1 0.33 25.00 0.33
EPS 492 U 024 Problems *Pun, Aurora ARR . V 1 2 0.67 25.00 1.33
EPS 493 U 004 Independent Study *Crossey, Laura ARR . 3 3 9 1.33 25.00 4.00
EPS 493 U 005 Independent Study *Elrick, Maya ARR . 3 1 3 0.67 25.00 2.00
EPS 493 U 006 Independent Study *Fawcett, Peter ARR . 3 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
EPS 493 U 012 Independent Study *Karlstrom, Karl ARR . 3 1 3 0.67 25.00 2.00
EPS 493 U 021 Independent Study *Weissmann, Gary ARR . 3 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
EPS 495 U 004 Senior Thesis *Crossey, Laura ARR . 3 1 3 0.67 25.00 2.00
EPS 495 U 010 Senior Thesis *Gutzler, David ARR . 3 2 6 1.33 25.00 4.00
EPS 495 U 021 Senior Thesis *Weissmann, Gary ARR . 3 2 6 1.33 25.00 4.00
EPS 501 M 001 Colloquium *Sharp, Zachary; McFadden, Leslie NTHP 122 F 200P - 350P 1 9 9 8.00 100.00 8.00
  XL: ABQ-EPS401                
EPS 505L M 001 Stable Isotope Geochemistry *Sharp, Zachary NTHP 105 M W F 1000A - 1050A 3 15 45 5.00 5.00 15.00
  XL: ABQ-EPS405L                
EPS 516 M 001 Sel Top: Hillslope Geomorpholo *Meyer, Grant; McFadden, Leslie NTHP 134 W 200P - 430P 3 7 21 4.67 10.67 14.00
EPS 523 M 002 T: Geothermal Processes *Karlstrom, Karl; Crossey, Laura NTHP 146 T 300P - 550P 3 9 27 5.33 6.67 16.00
EPS 534 M 001 Radiogenic Isotope Geochem *Asmerom, Yemane NTHP 340 T R 1100A - 1215A 3 9 27 6.67 20.67 20.00
EPS 538L M 001 Analytical Electron Microscopy *Jiang, Ying-Bing NTHP 146 T R 1100A - 1215A 3 11 33 15.67 15.67 47.00
EPS 545 M 001 T: Adv Petrology Reading Group *McCubbin, Francis NTHP 146 W 300P - 530P 3 8 24 2.67 3.33 8.00
EPS 552 M 004 Problems *Crossey, Laura ARR . V 1 3 0.67 25.00 2.00
EPS 552 M 005 Problems *Elrick, Maya ARR . V 2 4 1.00 25.00 2.33
EPS 552 M 008 Problems *Galewsky, Joseph ARR . V 3 5 2.33 25.00 3.67
EPS 552 M 010 Problems *Gutzler, David ARR . V 2 6 1.33 25.00 4.00
EPS 552 M 016 Problems *Roy, Mousumi ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
EPS 552 M 017 Problems *Scuderi, Louis ARR . V 1 3 1.00 25.00 2.33
EPS 552 M 019 Problems *Sharp, Zachary ARR . V 1 1 0.33 25.00 0.33
EPS 552 M 021 Problems *Weissmann, Gary ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
EPS 552 M 029 Problems *Lowe Worthington, L ARR . V 1 2 0.33 25.00 0.67
EPS 552 M 034 Problems *Spilde, Michael ARR . V 1 1 0.33 25.00 0.33
EPS 552 M 035 Problems *Schmandt, Brandon ARR . V 1 2 1.00 25.00 2.67
EPS 576 M 001 Physical Hydrology *Galewsky, Joseph NTHP 340 T R 330P - 445P 3 8 24 6.00 9.33 18.00
  XL: ABQ-EPS476: ABQ-WR576                
EPS 599 M 004 Masters Thesis *Crossey, Laura ARR . V 2 2 2.00 25.00 4.33
EPS 599 M 005 Masters Thesis *Elrick, Maya ARR . V 1 3 1.00 25.00 3.33
EPS 599 M 006 Masters Thesis *Fawcett, Peter ARR . V 1 3 0.67 25.00 2.67
EPS 599 M 007 Masters Thesis *Fischer, Tobias ARR . V 1 5 0.67 25.00 2.00
EPS 599 M 008 Masters Thesis *Galewsky, Joseph ARR . V 2 12 0.67 25.00 4.00
EPS 599 M 009 Masters Thesis *Schmandt, Brandon ARR . V 1 6 0.33 25.00 2.00
EPS 599 M 017 Masters Thesis *Scuderi, Louis ARR . V 1 6 0.33 25.00 2.00
EPS 599 M 019 Masters Thesis *Sharp, Zachary ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
EPS 599 M 021 Masters Thesis *Weissmann, Gary ARR . V 2 2 2.33 25.00 8.00
EPS 599 M 028 Masters Thesis *Newsom, Horton ARR . V 1 6 0.33 25.00 2.00
EPS 699 P 001 Dissertation *Agee, Carl ARR . V 1 3 1.00 25.00 4.00
EPS 699 P 002 Dissertation *Asmerom, Yemane ARR . V 1 6 1.33 25.00 7.00
EPS 699 P 003 Dissertation *Brearley, Adrian ARR . V 1 3 1.33 25.00 8.00
EPS 699 P 004 Dissertation *Crossey, Laura ARR . V 1 3 1.67 25.00 7.00
EPS 699 P 005 Dissertation *Elrick, Maya ARR . V 1 3 1.00 25.00 4.00
EPS 699 P 006 Dissertation *Fawcett, Peter ARR . V 1 3 1.00 25.00 6.00
EPS 699 P 007 Dissertation *Fischer, Tobias ARR . V 1 6 1.00 25.00 4.00
EPS 699 P 008 Dissertation *Galewsky, Joseph ARR . V 1 6 1.00 25.00 5.67
EPS 699 P 009 Dissertation *Schmandt, Brandon ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
EPS 699 P 012 Dissertation *Karlstrom, Karl ARR . V 1 6 1.33 25.00 6.00
EPS 699 P 015 Dissertation *Meyer, Grant ARR . V 1 5 1.00 25.00 7.67
EPS 699 P 021 Dissertation *Weissmann, Gary ARR . V 1 3 1.67 25.00 7.33
EPS 699 P 029 Dissertation *McCubbin, Francis ARR . V 1 3 0.67 25.00 2.00
          933 2,541 846.00 2,486.33 2,315.33