The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Spring 2015 as of Census date: January 30, 2015
Campus: Main Campus -- College: AS-College of Arts and Sciences

  Three Year Spring Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
NTSC 261L L 001 Physical Science *Garcia, Omar SMLC B66 M W 900A - 1130A 4 29 116 26.33 30.00 105.33
NTSC 261L L 002 Physical Science *Garcia, Omar SMLC B66 M W 1200A - 230P 4 30 120 26.33 30.00 105.33
NTSC 262L L 001 Life Science *Nicolai, Nancy SMLC B66 M W 300P - 530P 4 26 104 22.00 30.00 88.00
NTSC 262L L 002 Life Science *Nicolai, Nancy SMLC B66 M W 600P - 830P 4 6 24 15.33 30.00 61.33
NTSC 263L L 001 Environmental Science *Strong, Melvin SMLC B66 T R 900A - 1130A 4 29 116 28.00 30.00 112.00
NTSC 263L L 002 Environmental Science *Strong, Melvin SMLC B66 T R 1200A - 230P 4 13 52 24.00 30.00 96.00
          133 532 142.00 180.00 568.00