The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Spring 2015 as of Census date: January 30, 2015
Campus: Main Campus -- College: ED-College of Education

  Three Year Spring Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
EDUC 321L U 001 Tchng Social Studies El Sch *Otter, Daniel TECH 230 T 1100A - 130P 3 19 57 23.00 28.33 69.00
EDUC 321L U 002 Tchng Social Studies El Sch *Sanchez, Rebecca TECH 230 M 1100A - 130P 3 22 66 7.33 10.00 22.00
EDUC 321L U 003 Tchng Social Studies El Sch *Sanchez, Rebecca TECH 230 T 800A - 1030A 3 23 69 24.33 28.33 73.00
EDUC 330L U 001 Teaching of Reading *Kagan, Shayna TECH 120 M 800A - 1030A 3 24 72 20.67 28.33 62.00
EDUC 330L U 003 Teaching of Reading *Keefe, Elizabeth TECH 120 T 800A - 1030A 3 19 57 20.67 31.67 62.00
EDUC 330L U 005 Teaching of Reading *Welch-Mooney, Irene ARR . 3 24 72 26.33 26.67 79.00
  Online course visit:                
EDUC 330L U 007 Teaching of Reading *Welch-Mooney, Irene ARR . 3 22 66 21.00 26.67 63.00
  Online course visit:                
EDUC 331L U 001 Teaching Reading El Sch *Welch-Mooney, Irene ARR . 3 12 36 12.00 10.00 36.00
  XL: EA-EDUC531                
  Online course visit:                
EDUC 331L U 002 Teaching Reading El Sch *Burton, Sonya TECH 130 T 800A - 1030A 3 14 42 4.67 10.00 14.00
EDUC 331L U 005 Teaching Reading El Sch *Crawford-Garrett, K TECH 120 M 130P - 400P 3 21 63 22.33 28.33 67.00
EDUC 331L U 006 Teaching Reading El Sch *Nieto, Stephanie TECH 130 R 415P - 645P 3 31 93 22.67 28.33 68.00
EDUC 331L U 008 Teaching Reading El Sch *Crawford-Garrett, K EDUC 206 T 1100A - 130P 3 20 60 22.33 30.00 67.00
EDUC 333L U 001 Tchng Oral Written Lang El Sch *Morris, Terry TECH 220 T 1100A - 130P 3 18 54 20.33 28.33 61.00
EDUC 333L U 002 Tchng Oral Written Lang El Sch *Welch-Mooney, Irene ARR . 3 27 81 15.33 13.33 46.00
  XL: EA-EDUC433                
  Online course visit:                
EDUC 333L U 004 Tchng Oral Written Lang El Sch *Nieto, Stephanie TECH 120 R 700P - 930P 3 32 96 23.33 30.00 70.00
EDUC 333L U 007 Tchng Oral Written Lang El Sch *Morris, Terry TECH 120 M 1100A - 130P 3 22 66 20.33 30.00 61.00
EDUC 353L U 001 Teaching Science El Sch *Tyler, Reginald EDUC 201 T 415P - 645P 3 17 51 5.67 10.00 17.00
EDUC 353L U 002 Teaching Science El Sch *Watje, Philip EDUC 201 M 400P - 630P 3 21 63 24.00 28.33 72.00
EDUC 353L U 003 Teaching Science El Sch *Roberts-Harris, Deb EDUC 201 M 800A - 1030A 3 25 75 25.33 28.33 76.00
EDUC 361L U 001 Teaching Math El Sch *Madsen, Anne TECH 130 W 1100A - 130P 3 9 27 8.33 20.00 25.00
EDUC 361L U 002 Teaching Math El Sch *Lopez Leiva, Carlos DSH 134 T 1100A - 130P 3 22 66 23.33 30.00 70.00
EDUC 361L U 003 Teaching Math El Sch *Madsen, Anne TECH 130 M 1100A - 130P 3 16 48 20.33 29.33 61.00
EDUC 361L U 010 Teaching Math El Sch *Tyson, Kersti ARR . 3 18 54 6.00 6.67 18.00
  XL: EA-EDUC461                
  Online course visit:                
EDUC 362 U 001 Teaching Experience I *Sheldahl, Teresa ARR . 3 8 24 2.67 8.33 8.00
EDUC 391 U 001 Problems *Crawford-Garrett, K ARR . V 1 1 2.67 17.00 5.33
  XL: ABQ-MSET391                
EDUC 400 U 002 Student Teaching El Sch *Dooley, Drew ARR . V 12 25 4.00 10.00 8.33
  Online course visit                
EDUC 400 U 010 Student Teaching El Sch   ARR . 3 7 21 6.33 20.00 11.00
EDUC 400 U 011 Student Teaching El Sch *Wilson, David TECH 220 M 200P - 400P 1 19 19 18.33 30.67 18.33
EDUC 400 U 012 Student Teaching El Sch *Blueher, Francesca ARR . 1 8 8 2.67 10.00 2.67
EDUC 400 U 014 Student Teaching El Sch *Brinkerhoff, Jonath ARR . 1 11 11 10.00 25.00 10.00
EDUC 400 U 017 Student Teaching El Sch *Flores-Duenas, Leil ARR . 1 14 14 9.00 23.33 9.00
EDUC 400 U 020 Student Teaching El Sch *Desai, Shiv DEPT ROOM T 200P - 430P 3 15 45 22.67 31.67 60.00
EDUC 400 U 021 Student Teaching El Sch *Burton, Sonya EDUC 103 T 200P - 430P 3 18 54 21.33 31.67 57.67
EDUC 400 U 022 Student Teaching El Sch *Leonard, June EDUC 201 T 115P - 345P 3 16 48 12.00 20.00 29.33
EDUC 400 U 030 Student Teaching El Sch *Padilla Vigil, Virg ARR . V 11 103 12.33 28.33 120.67
  Online course visit:                
EDUC 400 U 031 Student Teaching El Sch *Sisneros, Casandra MITCH 220 W 400P - 630P V 27 224 22.33 31.67 207.00
EDUC 400 U 032 Student Teaching El Sch *Blueher, Francesca ARR . V 9 122 3.00 8.33 40.67
EDUC 400 U 034 Student Teaching El Sch *Brinkerhoff, Jonath ARR . V 10 100 6.00 16.67 58.67
EDUC 400 U 040 Student Teaching El Sch *Huggins, Deborah ARR . 3 11 33 16.00 35.00 48.00
EDUC 400 U 041 Student Teaching El Sch *Huggins, Deborah ARR . 3 12 36 14.33 35.00 42.33
EDUC 400 U 402 Student Teaching El Sch *Holder, Robin W 530P - 800P V 9 44 11.67 25.00 58.33
EDUC 400 U 450 Student Teaching El Sch *Vitali, Frances ARR . MTWRF 800A - 355P T 430P - 730P V 15 56 12.67 16.67 68.67
EDUC 438 U 001 Techng Read Writ Content Field *Sosa-Provencio, Mia MITCH 115 M 415P - 645P 3 19 57 19.33 25.00 58.00
EDUC 438 U 450 Techng Read Writ Content Field *McCall, June W 500P - 800P 3 9 27 7.33 16.67 22.00
EDUC 450 U 001 Issues in Secondary Education *Sheldahl, Teresa ONE R 415P - 645P 3 7 21 2.33 6.67 7.00
  Class takes place at the Jefferson Middle School, Room 209.                
EDUC 453 U 002 Science Program in Elem School *Roberts-Harris, Deb EDUC 201 T 700P - 930P 3 10 30 10.67 20.00 32.00
EDUC 461 U 002 Math Program in Elem School *Madsen, Anne TECH 130 W 415P - 645P 3 5 15 7.00 30.00 21.00
EDUC 461 U 010 Math Program in Elem School *Tyson, Kersti ARR . 3 7 21 2.33 3.33 7.00
  XL: EA-EDUC361L                
  Online course visit:                
EDUC 461 U 400 Math Program in Elem School *Amankonah, Frank R 530P - 800P 3 15 45 8.67 18.33 26.00
  Online course visit:                
EDUC 462 U 001 Student Teaching Secondary *Wehrli, Bryan ARR . V 11 93 9.00 20.00 80.00
EDUC 462 U 002 Student Teaching Secondary *Wehrli, Bryan ARR . V 11 102 12.33 20.00 116.00
EDUC 462 U 003 Student Teaching Secondary *Intemann, Cathryn ARR . V 11 123 7.33 20.00 72.00
EDUC 462 U 004 Student Teaching Secondary *Watkins, Kathryn ARR . V 12 117 13.33 20.00 129.00
EDUC 464 U 001 Student Teching Sem Secondary *Haniford, Laura T 415P - 645P 3 11 33 9.33 20.00 28.00
EDUC 464 U 002 Student Teching Sem Secondary *Wehrli, Bryan EDUC 201 W 400P - 630P 3 11 33 10.33 20.00 31.00
EDUC 464 U 003 Student Teching Sem Secondary *Intemann, Cathryn MITCH 217 W 400P - 630P 3 12 36 10.67 20.00 32.00
EDUC 464 U 004 Student Teching Sem Secondary *Watkins, Kathryn CAMPUS R 400P - 630P 3 12 36 12.00 25.00 36.00
  Class takes place at Highland High School, Room 1004.                
EDUC 493 U 002 T: Cult Comp LGBTO Indig Ident *Flores-Duenas, Leil ARR . 3 3 9 1.00 6.67 3.00
  XL: ABQ-EDUC593: ABQ-LLSS493: ABQ-LLSS593: ABQ-NATV450: ABQ-                
  Rescheduled from CRN 53043 EDUC 493 001.                
  Trip/Travel to New Zealand.                
  03/05/2015 - 03/17/2015                
EDUC 493 U 003 T: Teacher Corps Reflective *Katira, Kiran ARR . V 1 1 4.00 25.00 7.67
EDUC 501 M 400 High Schl Curriculum *Ball, Diane T 530P - 800P 3 9 27 3.00 8.33 9.00
EDUC 502 M 002 Advanced Instruct Strategies *Morris, Terry EDUC 206 T 415P - 645P 3 11 33 7.67 16.67 23.00
EDUC 502 M 450 Advanced Instruct Strategies *Hansen, Tammie R 500P - 800P 3 5 15 7.33 20.00 22.00
EDUC 513 M 001 Process of Reflec & Inquiry *Gutierrez, Jennifer ARR . 3 17 51 11.33 13.33 34.00
  Online course visit:                
EDUC 513 M 002 Process of Reflec & Inquiry *Tyson, Kersti ARR . 3 10 30 3.33 8.33 10.00
EDUC 516 M 002 Curriculum and Inquiry *Sosa-Provencio, Mia ARR . 3 10 30 3.33 8.33 10.00
EDUC 531 M 001 Reading Program in Elem School *Welch-Mooney, Irene ARR . 3 7 21 9.33 21.67 28.00
  XL: EA-EDUC331L                
  Online course visit:                
EDUC 542 M 001 Princip of Curriculum Develop *Gutierrez, Jennifer ARR . 3 17 51 11.33 13.33 34.00
  Online course visit:                
EDUC 552 M 001 Social Justice in Education *Marsh, Tyson TECH 220 T 700P - 930P 3 15 45 13.67 20.33 41.00
EDUC 590 M 001 Sem: Masters Capstone *Marsh, Tyson TECH 290 M 700P - 930P 3 11 33 10.33 24.00 31.00
EDUC 590 M 003 Sem: Masters Seminar *Wehrli, Bryan ARR . 3 11 33 3.67 5.67 11.00
  Online course visit:                
EDUC 590 M 400 SEM: Masters Capstone *Lovato, Carrie W 530P - 800P 3 19 57 17.67 25.00 53.00
EDUC 590 M 450 SEM: Capstone *Vitali, Frances M 500P - 800P 3 7 21 7.00 16.67 21.00
EDUC 591 M 003 Problems *Kingsley, Karla ARR . V 1 3 0.67 25.00 2.00
EDUC 591 M 005 Problems *Tyson, Kersti ARR . V 7 17 3.67 25.00 7.67
EDUC 591 M 008 Problems *Sheldahl, Teresa ARR . V 4 12 1.67 25.00 5.00
EDUC 591 M 011 Problems *Torres Velasquez, E ARR . V 1 1 2.00 25.00 2.67
EDUC 591 M 012 Problems *Krebs, Marjori ARR . V 1 3 1.33 25.00 3.33
EDUC 591 M 013 Problems *Crawford-Garrett, K ARR . V 1 1 0.33 25.00 0.33
EDUC 591 M 014 Problems *Madsen, Anne ARR . V 3 7 1.33 25.00 3.33
EDUC 591 M 016 Problems *Burton, Sonya ARR . V 1 1 0.67 25.00 0.67
EDUC 591 M 023 Problems *Watkins, Kathryn ARR . V 1 2 0.33 25.00 0.67
EDUC 591 M 025 Problems *Sosa-Provencio, Mia ARR . V 5 5 1.67 25.00 1.67
EDUC 591 M 055 Problems *Roberts-Harris, Deb ARR . V 1 3 2.33 25.00 5.00
EDUC 591 M 450 Problems *Vitali, Frances ARR . V 2 5 1.33 10.00 3.00
EDUC 593 M 400 T: Issues in Secondary Educ *Ball, Diane ARR . 3 9 27 3.00 8.33 9.00
EDUC 595 M 001 Advanced Field Experience *Dow-Anaya Y Garcia, DSH 232 T 415P - 645P 3 6 18 9.33 25.00 28.00
  XL: ABQ-MSET595                
EDUC 595 M 006 Advanced Field Experience *Wehrli, Bryan ARR . V 4 24 9.67 25.00 55.00
  XL: ABQ-MSET595                
EDUC 595 M 007 Advanced Field Experience *Wehrli, Bryan ARR . V 7 42 3.33 25.00 19.00
  XL: ABQ-MSET595                
EDUC 595 M 009 Advanced Field Experience *Watkins, Kathryn ARR . V 5 27 4.00 25.00 23.00
  XL: ABQ-MSET595                
EDUC 595 M 010 Advanced Field Experience *Intemann, Cathryn ARR . V 2 12 3.33 25.00 20.00
  XL: ABQ-MSET595                
EDUC 595 M 013 Advanced Field Experience *Short, Amanda; Weber, Kelly ARR . MITCH 115 T 500P - 730P V 10 38 15.00 25.00 54.67
  XL: ABQ-MSET595                
EDUC 595 M 402 Advanced Field Experience *Lovato, Carrie ARR . V 5 18 1.67 8.33 6.00
  XL: EG-MSET595                
  Rescheduled from CRN 53872 EDUC 595 401.                
EDUC 598 M 001 Directed Rdgs Elem Ed *Krebs, Marjori ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
EDUC 599 M 003 Master’s Thesis *Kingsley, Karla ARR . V 1 6 0.33 25.00 2.00
  XL: ABQ-MSET599                
EDUC 699 P 003 Dissertation *Torrez, Cheryl ARR . V 2 12 0.67 25.00 4.00
  XL: ABQ-MSET699                
EDUC 699 P 005 Dissertation *Flores-Duenas, Leil ARR . V 1 6 0.33 25.00 2.00
  XL: ABQ-MSET699                
EDUC 699 P 006 Dissertation *Tyson, Kersti ARR . V 1 6 0.33 25.00 2.00
  XL: ABQ-MSET699                
EDUC 699 P 007 Dissertation *Krebs, Marjori ARR . V 1 6 1.33 25.00 7.00
  XL: ABQ-MSET699                
          1,110 3,973 955.67 2,085.33 3,425.67