The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Summer 2012 as of Census date: July 28 ,2012
Campus: Gallup Campus -- College: AS-College of Arts and Sciences

  Three Year Summer Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
MATH 096 L 400 Fund of Math I *Aguayo, Francisco GCH 173 M W 930A - 1200A 3 21 63 23.00 25.00 69.00
MATH 097 L 400 Fund of Math II *Aguayo, Francisco GCH 173 M W 1230A - 300P 3 21 63 20.00 25.00 60.00
MATH 106 L 400 Prblms in Intr Algbr *Dhital, Alok GCH 175 M W 301P - 351P 1 14 14 16.67 26.67 16.67
  Must take w/MATH 120 400.                
MATH 106 L 401 Prblms in Intr Algbr *Platero, Chris GCH 175 T R 445P - 535P 1 20 20 20.33 26.67 20.33
MATH 107 L 400 Prblms in Cllg Algbr *Burke, John GCH 209 M W 445P - 535P 1 11 11 19.00 26.67 19.00
MATH 107 L 401 Prblms in Cllg Algbr *Dhital, Alok GCH 229 T R 301P - 351P 1 16 16 9.00 20.00 9.00
MATH 120 L 400 Intermediate Algebra *Dhital, Alok GCH 175 M W 1230A - 300P 3 20 60 22.33 26.67 67.00
  Must take w/MATH 106 400.                
MATH 120 L 401 Intermediate Algebra *Platero, Chris GCH 175 T R 200P - 430P 3 27 81 26.33 26.67 79.00
MATH 121 L 400 College Algebra *Burke, John GCH 209 M W 200P - 430P 3 13 39 20.67 26.67 62.00
MATH 121 L 401 College Algebra *Dhital, Alok GCH 229 T R 1230A - 300P 3 18 54 10.00 20.00 30.00
MATH 181 L 401 Elements of Calculus II *Smarandache, Floren ARR . 3 2 6 0.67 1.67 2.00
          183 427 188.00 251.67 434.00