The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Summer 2012 as of Census date: July 28 ,2012
Campus: Main Campus -- College: AS-College of Arts and Sciences

  Three Year Summer Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
HIST 101 L 001 Western Civilization to 1648 *Steen, Charlie ARR . 3 56 168 40.67 50.00 122.00
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HIST 102 L 001 Western Civilization post 1648 *Meyers, Katherine ARR . 3 24 72 8.67 10.00 26.00
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HIST 102 L 002 Western Civilization post 1648 *Bokovoy, Melissa ARR . 3 17 51 20.67 26.67 62.00
  Internet course please visit                
HIST 300 U 001 T: Spaniards, Missions&Pueblos *Larrichio, Larry DSH 331 MTWR 100P - 330P 3 15 45 11.00 13.33 33.00
  XL: ABQ-LTAM400                
HIST 309 U 001 French Revolution & Napoleon *Steen, Charlie GSM 117 MTWR 1030A - 1200A 3 20 60 17.33 40.33 52.00
HIST 335 U 001 Russ Cult Hist & Film *Basharina, Olga ORTG 153 MTWRF 400P - 630P 3 12 36 13.67 16.67 41.00
  XL: ABQ-RUSS339: ABQ-MA339                
HIST 361 U 001 Trans-Mississippi West *Shreve, Bradley UNMWST 1222 FS 1000A - 300P 3 8 24 2.67 10.00 8.00
HIST 478 U 001 Latin American Film *Gauderman, Kimberly UNMWST 2210 MTWRF 1000A - 200P 3 5 15 1.67 10.00 5.00
  05/14/2012 - 05/25/2012                
HIST 491 U 001 Historiography *Richardson, Caleb ORTG 113 MTWRF 920A - 1020A 3 15 45 5.00 6.67 15.00
HIST 496 U 016 Undergrad Readings in History *Richardson, Caleb ARR . V 1 3 0.33 8.33 1.00
HIST 496 U 018 Undergrad Readings in History *Steen, Charlie ARR . V 2 6 1.33 25.00 3.33
HIST 599 M 008 Master's Thesis *Graham, Timothy ARR . V 1 1 0.67 25.00 0.67
HIST 668 P 001 Sem: Paleography & Codicology *Graham, Timothy MVH 2046 MTWRF 920A - 1120A 3 13 39 8.00 11.67 24.00
HIST 699 P 008 Dissertation *Graham, Timothy ARR . V 1 3 0.67 25.00 4.00
HIST 699 P 032 Dissertation *Connell-Szasz, Marg ARR . V 1 6 1.67 25.00 9.00
HIST 699 P 034 Dissertation *Hutton, Paul ARR . V 1 6 0.67 25.00 3.00
HIST 699 P 052 Dissertation *Hutchison, Elizabet ARR . V 2 9 0.67 8.33 3.00
          194 589 135.33 337.00 412.00