The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Summer 2012 as of Census date: July 28 ,2012
Campus: Main Campus -- College: ED-College of Education

  Three Year Summer Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
PEP 326L U 001 Fund Exer Physiology *Kravitz, Leonard JOHNS B100 MTWRF 1140A - 140P 3 25 75 18.00 35.00 54.00
PEP 495 U 001 Practicum *Kravitz, Leonard ARR . V 22 72 24.00 100.00 75.00
PEP 500 M 001 Ex Sci Seminar *Kravitz, Leonard ARR . 1 1 1 0.33 2.00 0.33
PEP 507 M 001 Res Design HPER *Duryea, Philip JOHNS B100 MTWRF 1120A - 120P 3 2 6 4.67 25.00 14.00
  XL: ABQ-HED507                
PEP 510 M 001 Curr Construction in PE *Hushman, Glenn JOHNS B102 S 900A - 100P JOHNS B102 S 900A - 100P JOHNS B102 S 900A - 100P JOHNS B102 S 900A - 100P JO 3 5 15 5.00 15.00 15.00
PEP 545 M 001 Sport Leadership *Clement, Annie JOHNS 120 MTWRF 1140A - 140P 3 11 33 9.33 16.00 28.00
PEP 548 M 001 Financing Sport *Barnes, John JOHNS 120 MTWRF 920A - 1120A 3 12 36 8.67 16.33 26.00
PEP 691 P 007 Problems *Kravitz, Leonard ARR . V 2 2 1.67 25.00 3.00
PEP 696 P 007 Internship *Kravitz, Leonard ARR . V 2 6 2.00 25.00 6.00
PEP 696 P 008 Internship *Barnes, John ARR . V 3 12 4.67 25.00 17.00
PEP 698 P 007 Dir Read Phys Educ *Kravitz, Leonard ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
PEP 699 P 001 Dissertation *Clement, Annie ARR . V 3 15 1.67 16.67 8.00
PEP 699 P 003 Dissertation *Gibson, Ann ARR . V 1 6 0.33 24.67 2.00
PEP 699 P 005 Dissertation *Napper-Owen, Gloria ARR . V 1 6 1.33 25.00 9.00
PEP 699 P 006 Dissertation *Kravitz, Leonard ARR . V 3 15 1.67 25.00 8.00
          94 303 83.67 400.67 266.33