The University of New Mexico
Credit Hours by Course
Summer 2012 as of Census date: July 28 ,2012
Campus: Main Campus -- College: AS-College of Arts and Sciences

  Three Year Summer Semester Average
Subj Course Sec Title Instructor(s) Building Room Days Times Credit
Enrollment Section
BIOL 123 L 001 Bio for Health Related Sci *Shaner, Marieken CAST 51 MTWR 800A - 915A 3 23 69 32.00 48.00 96.00
BIOL 123 L 002 Bio for Health Related Sci *Shaner, Marieken CAST 51 MTWR 930A - 1045A 3 25 75 36.00 48.00 108.00
BIOL 124L L 001 Bio-Health Sci Lab *Council, Cara; Steinberg, Clare SMLC 164 M W 1100A - 150P 1 17 17 21.00 24.00 21.00
BIOL 124L L 002 Bio-Health Sci Lab *Council, Cara; Koerner, Sarah SMLC 164 M W 200P - 450P 1 12 12 16.00 24.00 16.00
BIOL 124L L 003 Bio-Health Sci Lab *Council, Cara; Zulick, Rachel SMLC 164 M W 500P - 750P 1 7 7 14.33 24.00 14.33
BIOL 201 L 001 Molecular Cell Biology *Howe, Kelly CAST 55 MTWR 1200A - 115P 4 51 204 54.33 96.00 217.33
  Must enroll in discussion section.                
BIOL 201L L 002 Cell Biology Discussion *Council, Cara; West, Rhiannon CAST 43 M W 900A - 1015A 0 6 0 13.33 24.00 0.00
BIOL 201L L 003 Cell Biology Discussion *Council, Cara; West, Rhiannon CAST 43 M W 1030A - 1145A 0 22 0 20.00 24.00 0.00
BIOL 201L L 004 Cell Biology Discussion *Council, Cara; Whiteman, Shawn CAST 43 M W 130P - 245P 0 23 0 21.00 24.00 0.00
BIOL 202 L 001 Genetics *Howe, Kelly CAST 55 MTWR 1030A - 1145A 4 43 172 47.67 96.00 190.67
BIOL 202L L 002 Genetics Lab *Council, Cara; Murphy, Kina CAST 60 M W 900A - 1015A 0 22 0 23.67 24.00 0.00
BIOL 202L L 003 Genetics Lab *Council, Cara; Nolan, Journey CAST 60 M W 1200A - 115P 0 21 0 24.00 24.00 0.00
BIOL 237 L 001 Hum Anat & Physio I Hlth Sci *Swan, James CAST 100 M W 230P - 500P 3 36 108 49.33 75.00 148.00
BIOL 237 L 130 Hum Anat & Physio I Hlth Sci *Swan, James CAST 100 T R 930A - 1200A 3 29 87 42.00 75.00 126.00
BIOL 238 L 001 Hum Anat & Physio II Hlth Sci *Swan, James CAST 100 T R 230P - 500P 3 54 162 57.00 75.00 171.00
BIOL 247L L 001 Anatomy & Physiology Lab I *Balk, Meghan; Swan, James CAST 119 M W 800A - 1050A 1 15 15 22.00 26.67 22.00
BIOL 247L L 002 Anatomy & Physiology Lab I *Zuhl, Micah; Swan, James CAST 119 M W 1100A - 150P 1 27 27 25.00 26.00 25.00
BIOL 248L L 002 Anatomy & Physiology Lab II *Grady, John; Swan, James CAST 120 T R 1100A - 150P 1 23 23 22.00 24.00 22.00
BIOL 248L L 003 Anatomy & Physiology Lab II *Grady, John; Swan, James CAST 120 T R 800A - 1050A 1 20 20 11.67 16.00 11.67
BIOL 351 U 001 General Microbiology *Barton, Larry CAST 55 MTWR 430P - 545P 3 24 72 29.67 50.00 89.00
  Must enroll on BIOL 352L.                
BIOL 352L U 002 General Microbiology Lab *Xu, Mingyan; Barton, Larry CAST 37 M W 100P - 400P 1 8 8 11.00 24.00 11.00
BIOL 352L U 003 General Microbiology Lab *Warnock, Daniel; Barton, Larry CAST 37 T R 100P - 400P 1 16 16 16.00 24.00 16.00
BIOL 400 U 018 Senior Honors Thesis *Pontes, Olga ARR . V 1 3 0.33 8.33 1.00
BIOL 400 U 021 Senior Honors Thesis *Collins, Scott ARR . V 1 3 0.33 8.33 1.00
BIOL 402 U 004 T: Field Entomology *Miller, Kelly ARR . 1 2 2 1.33 13.33 1.33
BIOL 408L U 001 Bosque Internship *Eichhorst, Kim; Schuetz, Jennifer; Scheerer, Kimberly CAST 53 T 310P - 550P 3 14 42 17.67 10.00 53.00
  XL: ABQ-BIOL508L                
BIOL 419 U 001 T: Adv Field Entomology *Miller, Kelly ARR . 3 3 9 2.33 13.33 7.00
BIOL 499 U 004 Undergraduate Problems *Schuetz, Jennifer ARR . V 1 3 1.00 16.67 2.33
BIOL 499 U 020 Undergraduate Problems *Marshall, Diane ARR . V 1 3 0.67 25.00 1.67
BIOL 499 U 021 Undergraduate Problems *Miller, Robert ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
BIOL 499 U 031 Undergraduate Problems *Takacs, Cristina ARR . V 1 2 0.33 25.00 0.67
BIOL 508L M 001 Bosque Internship *Eichhorst, Kim; Schuetz, Jennifer; Scheerer, Kimberly CAST 53 T 310P - 550P 3 3 9 2.67 6.00 8.00
  XL: ABQ-BIOL408L                
BIOL 551 M 014 Research Problems *Hanson, David ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
BIOL 551 M 031 Research Problems *Takacs, Cristina ARR . V 2 4 0.67 25.00 1.33
BIOL 551 M 045 Research Problems *Northup, Diana ARR . V 1 6 0.67 25.00 3.00
BIOL 599 M 004 Masters Thesis *Sinsabaugh, Robert ARR . V 1 1 0.33 25.00 0.33
BIOL 599 M 014 Masters Thesis *Hanson, David ARR . V 1 1 0.67 25.00 0.67
BIOL 599 M 034 Masters Thesis *Turner, Thomas ARR . V 1 1 0.33 25.00 0.33
BIOL 599 M 037 Masters Thesis *Werner-Washburne, M ARR . V 1 3 1.00 25.00 4.00
BIOL 599 M 038 Masters Thesis *Wolf, Blair ARR . V 1 1 0.67 25.00 1.33
BIOL 699 P 006 Dissertation *Cripps, Richard ARR . V 1 6 0.33 25.00 2.00
BIOL 699 P 007 Dissertation *Collins, Scott ARR . V 2 6 0.67 25.00 2.00
BIOL 699 P 008 Dissertation *Cook, Joseph ARR . V 1 3 0.67 25.00 2.00
BIOL 699 P 020 Dissertation *Marshall, Diane ARR . V 1 6 1.33 25.00 8.00
BIOL 699 P 027 Dissertation *Poe, Steven ARR . V 1 3 1.00 25.00 3.00
BIOL 699 P 028 Dissertation *Sinsabaugh, Robert ARR . V 1 3 1.00 25.00 5.00
BIOL 699 P 034 Dissertation *Turner, Thomas ARR . V 1 3 0.33 25.00 1.00
          569 1,223 646.00 1,421.67 1,417.00