Common Course Numbering


UNM's Academic Affairs values the academic judgment of faculty, which is protected by the UNM Faculty Handbook and the Regents' Policy Manual. As with all courses at UNM, faculty determine course materials, teaching methods and approaches, assignments and specific content for Common Course Numbered courses offered at UNM.

In accordance with New Mexico statute, all lower-division academic and technical courses must be integrated into a statewide course numbering system (CNS) to facilitate transcripts and transfer. Using the Comprehensive NMHED CNS Form for lower division courses, you can adopt a course, request changes to an existing course, remove a course, or request a unique course. The completed form is then uploaded to the Kuali course form. The Associate Registrar will submit the request to the HED portal and curriculum committee, after the course has been reviewed and approved by UNM’s curriculum process.

Questions or request for support can be sent to:

The Common Numbering System consists of four alpha subject code and four-digit numbers. The specific information from the New Mexico Higher Education Department (NMHED) can be found here: NMHED maintains a catalog of common numbered courses which includes titles, course descriptions, and student learning outcomes. In consultation with statewide committees, NMHED coordinates the process for determining subject codes, four-digit numbers, and identification of comparable lower-division courses.

UNM's Academic Affairs values the academic judgment of faculty, which is protected by the UNM Faculty Handbook and the Regents' Policy Manual. As with all courses at UNM, faculty determine course materials, teaching methods and approaches, and specific content for Common Numbered courses offered at UNM.

— Dr. Pamela Cheek, Associate Provost for Student Success

