General Education Certification

Faculty and departments wishing to create new general education courses need to submit a Form C (since proposal of a new general education course constitutes a change to the program) through UNM's curriculum workflow for Faculty Senate approval. A “General

Education Certification Form” (at the link below) should be uploaded to the Form C under the “Reason for Request” section. The course must be a currently common numbered course (4-alpha, 4-digit).

For new courses, in addition to the Form C, a Form B is required. A “Comprehensive HED CCN Form” should be uploaded to the Form B. The HED form for CCN is found under Common Course Numbering Project tab.

In summary: a current CCN course requesting Gen Ed status, requires a Form C and Gen Ed Certification Form. A new course requesting Gen Ed status, requires a Form C, Gen Ed Certification Form, Form B and Comprehensive HED CCN Form.

Any questions regarding this process can be directed to the Associate Registrar at

Further information about Gen Ed review and the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee’s oversight can be found here:

UNM maintains a General Education website which provides useful information regarding General Education curriculum and requirements:

HED Gen Ed and CCN forms are found on the Registrar’s website, under Faculty & Staff Resources: and

Associate Registrar Michael Raine and AP Pamela Cheek review forms for completeness and submit them to the HED New Mexico Curriculum and Articulation Committee for approval at regular NMCAC meetings.


We are aware that this represents a significant amount of state-mandated work in addition to UNM's own curriculum process and we are available to help you with this.


Dr. Pamela Cheek, Associate Provost for Curriculum and Assessment Associate Registrar Michael Raine